Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Project RunGAY Reunion Show

Since Bravo isn't doing a Project Runway reunion show this time around, the Project Rungay boys have taken it upon themselves to do their own hysterical reunion (complete with commercials!). Check it out HERE.

Don't forget - part one of the Project Runway Finale airs tonight at 9:00 (EST). Look for my recap tomorrow afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Great find David. Unfortunately better than the show itself. I just didn't make it all the way through this time round. I did finish AGT and saw the tenor win- with mucho tears again-I'm sure he'll get temperamental rather than sentimental soon enough. Lots of good finishing up talent, and glad I didn't have to call it. Are you watching Cloris on DWTS? She's awful but campy, and the only reason I'm following it at all.


David Dust said...

Dear Charlie -

No, I'm not a fan of DWTS - I just read Joy's blog to keep me informed.

I LOVE Cloris. You have to find a YouTube clip of Cloris at the John Sagat roast on Comedy Central. She was hysterical.


Joy said...

Excellent! That was hilarious and wonderful! Love it! Love you!


Christopher said...

No reunion??!! WTF!!

I'm soooo missing Keith...


Anonymous said...

That was probably better than the actual reunion show itself. Sort of nervous about tonight. She is going to Bryant Park isn't she? I hate it when Karma takes a nap. Going to soccer practice. Later tater.

mischa said...

There's no other way to put, this is fucking hilarious! I really hoping they were just making up the part about Skankley going to Bryant Park. Please, oh please, oh please!

Mark in DE said...


Mark :-)

Anonymous said...

Well Hell. Rub it in why doncha.

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