Saturday, October 18, 2008

Garden Vegetable Soup, Bitches!

I PROMISE this blog will not turn into weight-loss central, but I have to tell you how excited I am to be following the Weight Watchers plan again. It is such a pleasure not to have to eat meat and cheese for every meal, like I did before.

Today I decided to make one of my Weight Watchers faves - Garden Vegetable Soup. It's supposed to be one of those "no points" things you can eat as much as you want of, but I throw in so many vegetables that I always charge myself a point when I eat a bowl.

I went to the excellent Fruit and Vegetable market in my neighborhood and picked up my veggies - along with some other healthy crap to snack on. For the grand total of $8.52, this is what I came home with:

Yes bitches, and I live in Manhattan! I loves me some my veggie market. And YES - I came home and arranged my fruit/veggies in a basket to make a prettier picture for you all. If you ever had any doubts about my homosexuality, that should put them to rest immediately.

Basically I chopped everything up and threw it in a pot with fat-free chicken stock and a little tomato paste. It smells delicious!

Now it's time to eat...


Anonymous said...

That's what I'm making for dinner on Sunday. The family get's sandwiches as well, but I love that soup!

FYI: I don't think any of us doubted your homosexuality.;)

the dogs' mother said...

Being type 2 diabetic I'm always on the weight loss journey. Luckily I have always loved the veggies. That looks delish!

Joy said...

Mr. Bunny, way to go!!! I'm SO PROUD of you for doing this. I said that before and will again. There are some really good WW recipes. Keep us posted. We're all in this together and want each other to do well.

Me, too, frogponder. I scared myself back on the wagon and am feeling so much better. I'll find out Friday how much weight I've lost, but the great thing is that my readings are good again.

Love you! Love your soup! xoxoxoxox

Mistress Maddie said...

Im on my way also to Toboara Farms ,our market here to get some things,in particular some calliflower to make creme of calliflower soup. I love this time of year for soups in the fall and winter. Good eating.

kayce. said...

omg looks SO GOOD!!! my tummy is grumbling, LOL. and the weather is perfect for soup, so you jumped off atkins @ the exact right moment... :)

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Well, it certainly looks healthier than my gumbo!!!

Marker said...

Wait. You mean you prepared it yourself? Wha?? I've never heard of such a thing.

(I moved into my condo almost a year ago and have not used the oven once.)

LOL @ jennie

Renee said...

MMM MMM MMM that soup looks good!

Joy said...

Oh, I meant to add that I so know what you mean about Atkins. I can do lower carbs but cannot do NO carbs!

We can do it!! :-)

David Dust said...

Auntie Flame -

I meant to tell you, I LOVE the new avatar.

And yes we CAN do this. I went to the grocery store today and bought Weight Watchers BREAD. I was in heaven - I can actually make a sandwich!!


Anonymous said...

wtf? you're gay?

Angel said...

ya, I totally agree with Jennie...I NEVER doubted your gayness honey! ;)

and I LOVE that soup! That's sourta like "The Cabbage Soup Diet" right? I did that....along with every other freakin diet ever known to modern man...but I just love food and I love to eat! Simple as that!

Good luck to you Tranny. I love you just the way you are..(can't you just hear Billy Joel singing that to you?) But if you'll feel better with less weight, then go for it with your whole heart! If you did it once on that god-awful Atkins, then you can do it now!!

I need to call you...I miss you.

Anonymous said...

Picts are pro. I don't know about the 3 S's- Soups,Stews, Sauces. So the tomato paste and chicken stock were a great starter clue for me.
Right now I'm into those traditional corn syrup sugar yellow and white corn kernels and pumpkins. Somehwere in the middle of that I'll cook up and whole bag of spinach and devour it. It may already be too late.
Did you crockpot this thing with the (ugh) vegetables?
bless you bless you...genuflect genuflect

Mom2fur said...

Good luck with WW! My daughter has lost over 35 pounds so far with them. She said if she'd known it was going to be this easy, she would have done it years ago. She's hoping to be a police officer and is working to get herself physically fit (she already aced the written test for Suffolk County).
The soup looks delicious. I make a great vegetable soup. It's my mom's recipe, but uses beef stock. I'll have to try out this recipe, too--it looks really gooooood.

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed that you got all of that for less than $9! The soup looks quite yummy.

Joy said...

LOL I was just going to ask you how you liked the new avatar, and you wrote that! Thanks! I decided to look more like myself for a change but will always be Auntie Flame. I can see the Alps from my new avatar. Does that make me neutral?

David Dust said...

Auntie Flame -

I think it makes you a watch-maker. Or maybe a manufacturer of Army Knives...


Joy said...

LOL Love you! Love your mind!


David Dust said...


Mark in DE said...

LOL - I love that you arranged the veggies and fruit in the basket for this photo!

Your soup looks/sounds delish! Good luck with your healthy eating!!!

Mark :-)

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