Monday, October 13, 2008

White Meat Monday Daddy Of The Day - Jed Hill

Jed Hill is a former Penn State (my alma mater) football player who has decided to become a fitness model. I'd say he's doing an EXCELLENT job.


Mr. Hill (#54 in the picture below - beside Joe Paterno) has certainly gotten ripped since he was a 269 pound Defensive Tackle for the Nittany Lions.

Speaking of Penn State Football, they are ranked #3 after this weekend's game. Go State!


Mistress Maddie said...

Now thats what I'm talking about! Very nice selection. If all football players looked liked this I would be watching. Jed is just beatutiful! Maddie Borghese Hill.Does have a nice ring!

curt said...

Others may disagree, but this is your Best. Post. Ever.

Penn State football and hot men.

Is there some way to make this a scratch-and-sniff post with a beer scent?

Angel said...

oh my goodness......and I do mean GOODNESS!!!!!

Dan said...

Jed is hot. Jed was hot before, but he is way hotter now. SOmething tells me he is finally comfortable with his skin.

I know I am.

Anonymous said...

OMG...I LOVE HIM! he is stalkable

Marker said...

um . . . Go Badgers?

full agreement with curt!!

mischa said...

JFC. My knees are still a little shakey and I know my heart is still in palpitations. Adonis move over!

Mark in DE said...

Oh, me LIKEE!!!

Mark :-)

Anonymous said...

He cut up nicely after football.

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