Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Weigh-In

I want to thank all of you for the support you have shown me since I joined Weight Watchers last week. Because this will be an ongoing battle for me, I have decided to do a "Friday Weigh-In" post every week to tell you about my progress. Thanks to Joy for the great idea.

I must say, I was overwhelmed by the positive response from all of you. In fact, long-time Dust Bunny Marker joined Weight Watchers after reading my post - and so did Renee. Renee even coined the term DBAF - "Dust Bunnies Against Flab" - which I think is hilarious.

But they aren't the only DBAF's out there. Joy is watching her diet and increasing her exercise because of diabetic and other health concerns. Jennie (like me) is constantly struggling to eat right - but sometimes hides pizza anyway (PLEASE read her hilarious post HERE ). I have heard from many others who struggle to do the right thing when it comes to diet and exercise. So the Friday Weigh-In is also an opportunity for all of us to check in and tell each other how we are doing in the fight against flab. Us Flabby Bunnies need to stick together.

For our first Friday Weigh-In, I want to provide us with some inspiration. So let me introduce to you my friend (and Dust Bunny) Zombie Mom. Zombie is a former big girl who put aside her self-doubt and poor body image and lost a ton of weight. She did it with Weight Watchers, exercise, determination, and a wonderful spirit. She is now an avid runner (miles and miles each week) and recently completed her first half marathon - congratulations!. Zombie has sent me emails with Weight Watchers tips and general words of encouragement, and for that I am grateful. And she does all of this in spite of the fact that she is busy as hell at work and is raising two of the most perfect little girls you have ever seen. Zombie Mom inspires me every day - and should inspire you also. Read her blog - Purses and Poop - HERE .

As far as MY first week on Weight Watchers goes - I am happy to report that I've lost 8 pounds! I hit a rough patch on Tuesday because of the stress from my event at work, and Wednesday I was just being a hog. But yesterday I got back on track - especially since I was going to do this post today and I didn't want to look like an idiot. See, this "Friday Weigh-In" thing is working already!!

How did YOU do this week?...


Anonymous said...

That is fantastic, David. You've inspired me. I'm getting my shit together and pulling a Zombie Mom.

Mistress Maddie said...

David- thats great news! Eight pounds is a very nice loss for the first week!! Congrats! I wish you all the best of luck in the coming weeks girl!

Romance said...

OMG you are so awesome.. and thanks for the sweet, sweet words... but back to the really important thing!!! OMG 8 pounds!!!! Wooohooo, you are amazing! WTG!!! I am so proud of you!!!

I thought of you this AM as I had my typical WW, easy breakfast -

I am so excited for you... And also, seriously, thanks.. your committment helped me get myself a bit more focused...

Much love- ZM

the dogs' mother said...

That's great! And you have that wonderful male metabolism. I'm jealous! But I'll put it aside and break out the carrot sticks!

mikeinbama said...


Way to Go! Keep it up buddy! I'm so proud of you. Stay focused, stay positive and change your life!

theminx said...

Yay - that's great!

Attending a "cooking with Nimma" class might help you lose even more! ;)


Dagny said...

Congrats on the loss!

Now I'm feeling all lazy and flabby. *sigh*

Timmy said...

HOLY COW! 8 pounds? Congrats!

Renee said...

Way to go David! *claps* WW and your celebritysightwalking program are doing wonders. I think you should record a celebritysightwalking DVD and have your own infomercial hehe.

I'm logging my weight on Sunday evenings. I'll let you know how I did then. :-)

Joy said...

Who knew you'd be such a leader for all of us for weight loss and fitness, too? Way to go! EIGHT POUNDS!!!! Wow!! Keep up the good work!

I've gotten my blood sugar down in the normal range, which makes me feel so much better. I didn't lose any weight which bums me out but will make a bigger effort. Tina and I walked a mile today around this lake where they have the distance marked off on the street around it.


Anonymous said...

wow... i hate you. i must lose about 20 lbs and i haven't even started. i play a lot of sports but i am carrying a few extra pounds around the waist.

i remember a really joke now -- a fat patient asks a doctor how can i lose 10 lbs fast, and the doctor pulls out a big knife and chops his head off...

Kanani said...

It's been three solid months of emotional and financial turmoil. But finally, the albatross around my neck has been released this week --I shut down the office I was working at, and now I feel able to go forward.

I'll join you as you lose weight & get in shape.

Eight pounds is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Somehow I just woke up to this project of yours. It takes much resolve and courage because of the time it takes to do AND KEEP OFF.
I went out and bought new scales, and discovered my mother's scales have been lying to me for too long. I am tempted to go back to them, however. They were much kinder.
Include a daily sentence on what healthy things you ate that day.

Kanani said...

I'm going for a walk now. Will think of you and the other dust bunnies as I go along.

Jimbo said...

David, that's excellent!!! Keep up the good work. Not every week will be an 8-lb week so please don't let the little losses discourage you. Slow and steady, my friend. Anything that leads you to your goal is fantastic.

Joy...don't be down on yourself. You said that you didn't lose weight, but if you didn't gain wait, then your week was still a success.

Cheers, to both of you!

Joy said...

There are some good WW recipes for soup. My cousin shared them with us. Mother makes Southwest Soup and Taco Soup pretty often. Let us know when you find some recipes you like and meals that work for you.

Todd said...

what is the occasion of this photo? is it a sports competition or is it one of those reality tv shows (like the one for fighters)?

that boy needs to eat some. he's too skinny. david, feed that boy some strawberry shortcake.

Renee said...

Sunday Weigh-In: I lost 4.6 pounds. Wooooooo!

David Dust said...

Renee - GREAT JOB!!!!


Renee said...

Thanks! :-)

Mark in DE said...

CONGRATS, David!!!

Mark :-)

Kwana said...

David you rocked!! I'm so proud of you. You really inspire me to want to go back to my Friday weigh in's. I may go this Friday. thanks.

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