Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Latest "Celebrity" Sighting...

Hedda Lettuce, bitches!

One of the great things about walking home from work - besides helping me lose weight - is taking advantage of the great people-watching. Yesterday I saw Hedda Lettuce as her male alter-ego, Steven Polito. He was speaking dramatically into his cell phone - perhaps discussing sleeves, gloves, and/or Godzilla.

Those of you who aren't fans of Project Runway will have absolutely no idea what any of the above just meant. And if it wasn't for Project Runway, I would have never recognized Hedda out of drag.


Renee said...

How cool. Maybe he called Suede to say he still thinks Suede's lazy.

Anonymous said...

NYC is so great! Where else could that happen, and so often? Probably people in NYC walk more than anyone else...especially us rural folks who take the car even to the mailbox at the end of the drive. Just to get transportation you guys have to walk blocks sometimes. and those underground transfers used to drive me nuts. Endless tunnels to get to the next connection.but the world down there is fascinating.

Dan said...

Luis and I saw her when we were in NYC. Very funny lady!

Anonymous said...

I wish I lived in New York. The only person of note I ever see here is AH-nold. Actually, I saw Maria Shriver at a museum opening and the girl is a walking tendon. Also, long ago, I saw John Travolta, which was oddly unexciting.

the dogs' mother said...

I'm glad you survived the encounter!

kayce. said...

your neighborhood (or the ones you walk through) are clearly amazing, as is your train line. i think it's always better to see them walking along then in their car or in a store or something... :)

David Dust said...

Oh sure Dan,

You had time for Hedda, but no time for me ... nice! :)


Mark in DE said...

I watch Project Runway religiously but am still not sure I'd recognize Hedda out of drag, so good for you!

I'm not sure why, but whenever I watch the rerun with Hedda Lettuce I crave a big salad.

Mark :-)

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