Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday Weigh-In

It was exactly two weeks ago that I joined Weight Watchers (AKA "The Cult"). At the time, I told you all that I would check in every Friday and let you know how I was doing - and you all could check in as well. Today is my second "Friday Weigh-In".

The Cult also makes you weigh-in once a week - either at a meeting or online. I am an online member, and I picked Mondays to be my official weigh-in day.

These two different weigh-in days have produced an unexpected benefit. It forces me to really watch myself over the weekend, the time that I'm most likely to cheat. And so far it is working.

I was not as good this past week as I was during week one. I had a "special occasion" on Saturday and pigged out at a Barbecue restaurant (biscuits and gravy!!). I also drank this week - which used to be a 3-4 times/week occurrence, but is now down to about 3 times/month. I also can't seem to get into an exercise routine. The only form of exercise I enjoy is walking, but I need to do something a little more intense to help get my metabolism moving.

So, needless to say, I didn't expect much this week. But this morning I was pleasantly surprised - I lost 6 pounds! That is 14 pounds in two weeks!!! I am beyond thrilled, and I'm starting to think The Cult may have a lifetime member.

So - how did YOU do this week?...


Anonymous said...

You truly do not want to know.

David Dust said...

Dearest Jennie -

Honey, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I have been there TOO MANY times (uh, like 2 1/2 weeks ago) Don't be discouraged - you'll do better next week.


Angel said...

ohhoney...don't EVEn ask.

But tranny, I am so proud of you! You can do this baby!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i hear ya, cardio sucks!!
except i do like walking too, which i used to do all the time when i lived in nyc, before i knew anyone in the city i used to do walking tours of the city with a guide book, and the added benefit was exercise as a concentrated 2-3 hour walk!
its takes the omg, i got to exercise buzz kill, out of the equation
good luck

Anonymous said...

down two. maybe I'm plateauing? i'm weakening for deserts lately. how are you on those?

David Dust said...

Charlie -

I'm not a big dessert person. My weakness is anything between two slices of bread (or on a bun/roll/etc.).

Hey - 2 lbs is nothing to sniff at - GOOD JOB!!


the dogs' mother said...

good, good, good! :-))

I did *not* buy candy corn.
I did *not* find the trick or treating candy Dear Daughter has hidden.
I did *not* force my sophomore student to eat his physics book (oops, not on topic, but an accomplishment all the same...)

kayce. said...

hehehe, not as good as you, but not bad either... keep up the good work! i am SO GLAD that i do not have kids or else tonight would spell trouble for me, LOL.

(PS: biscuits & gravy = TOTALLY worth the cheat!)

Dan said...


mikeinbama said...

Congratulations David!!!!!! Keep up the good work!

Mistress Maddie said...

Mamie-thats wonderful news. You think 6libs might not be alot,but in the end it all adds up! You will be slvete by the summer,and then we can go shopping for two piece bikinis!

Renee said...

That's awesome David!

I did pretty good this week, up until 10 minutes ago when I ate four fun size candy bars lol! That is big improvement over last year when I probably ate about 12 at a time.

My next weigh-in is on Monday so I'll let you know.

SailorAlphaCentauri said...

Yay! Great job!

When I last checked my weight, I think I had lost a couple more pounds...but I'm not really keeping track of it. Fortunately, being a poor college student has made the whole family re-evaluate our food buying habits (now if it we can only make it stick).

theminx said...

Yay - that's great! Keep up the good work! xoxoxoxoxo

Joy said...

You are doing so well! I am totally proud of you with all this! You've averaged 7 lbs a week so far! Yea!!! You and WW are a good match. The Cult works for you. Maybe you can post progress pictures every month.

I had a good week and kept my blood sugar in the normal range except for one time when I didn't do all my stuff and did do someone else's! Sin! Sin! Right now I'm working on that and haven't weighed because I need new scales. The one I have now is erratic and weird. I'm going to buy new ones and get them at the same weight as the ones at my doctor's. I'll have a report on the weight next week.

I'm still walking around the lake and now need to add the gym to it. Just keep walking - you live in a perfect city for walking. Maybe you can add some exercises at home.

Renee said...

I lost 2.4 pounds. :-)

David Dust said...

Great job Renee. I think it's so cool that you and I are both doing this. My official WW weigh-in is tomorrow. I hope it goes well.


Renee said...

Me too. It's really motivating.

Mark in DE said...

Oooooo, you GO, girl!!! Congrats.

Mark :-)

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