Thursday, October 30, 2008

Barack Obama's Infomercial

I watched the Barack Obama infomercial tonight, and I was extremely impressed. The differences between Obama and Ron Popeil John McCain are so obvious.

Did anyone else watch? What did you think?

Now where in the hell did I put that Salad Spinner??...


Romance said...

I don't know where you put the salad spinner, but I do know that I loved Barack Obama tonight... so much better than an infomercial for ProActiv...

Seriously, I liked his economic plan- I like the fact that he recognizes we are in danger of losing the middle class, I like that he acknowledges we must offer healthcare for all, and I like that he is thoughtful and from a modest background.

I really like the story he shared about his mom having to worry abotu medical bills while she was dying, because that is the reality if you are mad wealthy...

Hmmmmm.... I wonder who I am voting for

Anonymous said...

I missed it and didn't even feel badly. Spose I should have watched but curiously the phone rang just as it came on, and it was a survey for the Republican party. Tell me that wasn't a clever low budget ploy that didn't reach national proportions?

Joy said...

I saw it and thought it was wonderful! I cried during parts of it. Oh, please, please, please let him be our next president!!!!

Angel said...

that man is just sooo inspirering. I will cry if he wins...and I will SOB if he loses..

I thought the "infomercial" was really good. He has great people working for him, that's for sure.

My Soninlaw had Rudy Gulianni call him the other day! I told him, when Obama calls you and asks you to be his PR man, tell him I said HI!!! wouldn't that be WILD??!!!

Love you Tranny!

the dogs' mother said...

We didn't watch it here. We are bad Americans :-( Actually we are in campaign overload.

kayce. said...

of course i watched... i totally cried (as i usually do when i listen to obama).

as mechadude said, i also agree that it was a smart use of campaign funds. it was well-done and not preachy, tho i really wish that the live portion had been a bit longer.

can i just say here that obama's main security guy is SUPER HOT!!! i totes have a crush on him (and bill burton a little, too)... he is the dark-skinned black guy w/ a bald head that you sometimes see on stage checking things out a few min before obama comes out, and you can see a lil of him in this pic. anyway, don't know his name and don't need to. =))

kayce. said...

PS: did anyone watch obama on the daily show last night? ugh, he is SO CUTE!!!

Kanani said...

Ha! Yah, the salad spinner and the juicer.

But c'mon, what we glib and superficial folks need to know is what Michelle will be wearing at the inaugural ball?

Joy said...

Quite crafty of them, Charlie. As I used to tell my students, "It's all about timing" when they complained that I fussed at them for talking after everyone had gotten quiet.

Mark in DE said...

I watched, and was impressed by his sincerity and poise. GOD, he's just GOTTA win.

Mark :-)

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