Saturday, October 11, 2008

Party In Da Club

If you would like to witness your favorite blogger (me, of course) drunk and sloppy - then be at The Monster (more info HERE) at 10:00 6:30 pm tonight (see below). I will be meeting up with Dust Bunny Blogger Mark in DE (Tales of the Sissy) and his spouse - who are in town for the weekend. I met them for lunch at my restaurant yesterday and it was so nice getting to know them. They are ADORABLE.

Tonight, as is my habit, I will probably have a few "pre-drinks" (as we used to call them in Harrisburg) at my apartment before heading downtown to meet them. I have called the Bacardi delivery Papi...

Then it's off to the Monster. Let's hope these guys will be serving us...

Later, I might try and drag their asses to a bar with go-go boys...

UPDATE: It's 5:15 pm - and there has been a change of plans. Those bitches are ALREADY at the bar!!! Lord, I hate drinking this early ... it NEVER ends well...


shirlnutkin said...

ahhh! the infamous "pre-drinks" (aka "free drinks") prior to the monster. special!!! have a great one (and then two, and then three ...)! hugs!

Angel said...

I hope ya'll take lots of pictures!!!!!

Todd said...

who's the bartender with the dogtag? he'd be perfect as my next future ex-husband.

Kaio said...

I have to visit NyC more often.
Hot guys, hot blog.
Well done!

Love, Charity, Alms said...

man, that one guy really looks like Wolverine!!!!

Jimbo said...

Mmm...go-go boys. You know how I love me some Go-Go's, but I especially enjoy the go-go boy's too!

Anonymous said...


David, dahling, these pictures ain't fair! LOL!!!!

Does anyone else need to take a cold shower???

Jesse Archer said...

OOH!! So how did it end? Hopefully with more than just showtunes!

Great meeting you, and I'm happy to be a newly converted dust bunny!!

Joy said...

So? Tell us all about it!

Timmy said...

5:15P? AH! My kind of people.

Mark in DE said...

It was GREAT meeting you and hanging out! Thanks for adjusting to the earlier meet-up time. We had a ball. Next time we're in town we will DEFINITELY take you up on the bar tour offer, complete with go-go boys and strippers. Woo hoo!!!

Mark :-)

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