Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hey Papi - Lift Up Your Shirt!!


Marker said...

#2 - look at those pecs. YUM.

Looks like he's showing it off at work or something. Hot.

David Dust said...

#2 is totally my thugged-out favorite.

I've asked Papi or two to remove some clothing at work before, and they were MORE than happy to comply...


Anonymous said...

Nice tongues


Anonymous said...

lickable...all of them!

Anonymous said...

Admirable that you added lean meat to your veggie soup. yummmm

Anonymous said...

I agree with you guys on #2, he's my favorite out of this group too.

Mark in DE said...

I swear, these bitches must never eat an ounce of fat, and must have to do sit ups and crunches 8 hours a day to get abs like that!

I hate them.

Mark :-)

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