Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Have 3 Words For You: "Cluss - Ta - Fuk"

OMG. I have a HUGE event tonight at the restaurant, one in which my (new) clients are spending a fortune. I walked in this morning to the lovely scent of burnt wires, and found out we had a small electrical fire last night - which knocked out most of our power.

The electrician came and the power has been restored - but we still don't have phone service. Meanwhile, I have to figure out how to get rid of burnt wire smell before all these high-fallutin attorneys arrive for their soiree.

It looks like I picked one HELL of a week to give up stress-eating!...


kayce. said...

chew gum and light candles, LOL.

SO glad to hear an electrician was FINALLY called before serious injury occurred, but it sucks that the phone is still out. thank god for cell service, i guess. BEST OF LUCK TONIGHT!!! let us know how it all works out...

Anonymous said...

fingers crossed and thinking good thoughts! Chef is right, chewing gum really does work!

Anonymous said...

on the rare occassion that i cook something, it typically gets burned and a cup of plain white vinegar set out on the counter seems to help. don't know why or where i got that information. good luck tonight.

the dogs' mother said...

Tell them it is a new technique for braising meat, stick a live wire into the pot?

Anonymous said...

What a nightmare! Good luck and maybe stress drinking will help. Kidding but you gotta have something.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I give up cigarettes, many times a day in fact, is just when the stressful situations arrive. It seems whenever I am smoking ( and you eating an ARby's delight) that we and our world is going to hell. But when we stop, doesn't it just get worse?

Jimbo said...

Hope it all worked out. I'm sure you made the best of it and made it a fabulous evening for your guests. Things happen, and even though they are lawyers, perhaps they'll overlook any lingering odor and focus on the spectacular meal. I'm just glad nobody was hurt. Please let us know how it turns out.

Timmy said...

OMG! I just read this. I hope everything went OK this evening. You should have sent me a text message and would gone to church and lit a candle for you.

Dagny said...

I will gladly do your stress eating for you.

Renee said...

I hope your event went well and that you didn't fall off the WW wagon. You can do it! Go David!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

When Miss Ginger's house stinks (she DOES have 3 kitties!) Celia uses this purple mexican cleaning liquid called "Fabuloso" (I can't make this shit up!) I think you can only get it at mexican supermarkets, but it makes Chez Ginger smell HEAVENLY!!!

Mark in DE said...

OMG! Well, if anyone can figure out what to do, is YOU! Hope it all went well.

Mark :-)

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