Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Stylista Tonight!

Now that Project Runway is over, where will you get your weekly dose of fashion, fags, and cattiness? On the CW's new show - Stylista - that's where.

A group of young men and women will compete to become a "Junior Editor" at Elle Magazine, working under Nina Garcia's arch nemesis, Anne Slowey. From the preview videos I've seen, Anne works REALLY hard at being a bitch - but at least she seems to be nice to the fat girl.

And no, my darling Dust Bunnies, I will NOT be recapping Stylista. I have decided to stick to a strict "one recap per week" rule, and I will be recapping Top Chef next month. Besides, this is my busiest time of year (holiday parties, etc.), so I need to concentrate on work.

Our dear friends from Blogging Project Runway and Blogging Top Design have created Blogging Stylista, which will keep you up to date on the show, it's fashiontestants, and all of the drama. Check them out HERE.


the dogs' mother said...

gak! We don't get CW. I'll have to rely on recappers. You - I want to save your energies for Top Chef!

kayce. said...

oh lord, THANK YOU for reminding me! i would have totally missed it.

and you know what, the boss' "cattiness" comes off as uber fake to me; like she is trying too hard to be miranda from devil wears prada, and not succeeding. it is this omg-i-have-to-try-so-hard-to-seem-more-fab-than-i-am that has the potential to work my nerves more so than the bitchiness itself.

and like you, i was happy to a) see a Big Girl on the show... a REAL one, not an ANTM "BG", and b) see that the lady was pretty nice to her @ least one time. she is who i am rooting for right off the bat; i have to support my fellow BGs (the reason i started listening to both the gossip and adele, LOL).

Christopher said...

Didn't they just do a show like this with Vivica A Fox? I saw one epsiode and couldn't stop laughing at 2 of the queenie Latino Glamtestants!

Joy said...

It's on WNAB here which has Gossip Girls, One Tree Hill, and America's Top Model. I don't watch that station and wondered where those shows are that people talk about. I probably won't get into it because I watch Criminal Minds and Private Practice at that time (DVR).

If I get a chance, I'll watch it sometime but will definitely read your recaps! Thanks for the reminder!

David Dust said...

Auntie Flame (AKA "Bernice") -

I will NOT be recapping... :)


Anonymous said...

I for one will be glad to get back to Top Chef and all those knives in necks.

Joy said...

LOL Right! I read it, undertood, and then went right into Bernice mode!


mikeinbama said...

I'm happy you're not recapping a bunch of bitchy queens and hags trying to be Paris Hilton. You're going to need your energy for Top Burger Flipper and Gail's Fun Bags.

Renee said...

LOL Mike!

Mark in DE said...

I haven't seen this show yet, but do plan to check it out.

Even the CW is cashing in on the fashion/reality show craze!

Mark :-)

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