Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hawaii Governor Chooses Hate

Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle - a proud Republican - vetoed a bill which would have given Hawaiian same-sex couples the opportunity to form civil unions and receive many of the benefits of married couples.  Linda Lingle (which is a lesbian name if I EVER heard one) said she vetoed the bill because civil unions were "marriage by another name" - and apparently only straight people like Rush Limbaugh (married 4 times) and Newt Gingrich (married 3 times) are allowed to enter into the sacred and Holy bonds of matrimony.  Praise Jeebus!!!

I hope Linda Lingle chokes on a pineapple and trips over a tiki torch - accidentally lighting that horrible hairdo on fire. 



the dogs' mother said...

If, according to the American civics class I never got to take, the legislators are representatives of the people, and they pass this legislation, then who elected her dictator?

PS - how is your air conditioning holding up?

David Dust said...

New cell phone + fat fingers = Jennie's comment accidentally got rejected. But here it is:

Jennie has left a new comment on your post "Hawaii Governor Chooses Hate":

This is so, so sad. I hate that this blatant discrimination is being allowed.

Thanks for the comment, darling.

Wonder Man said...

I can't believe her

nitrox11 said...

You just know a straight person does her hair. Who votes for these a-holes?

Joy said...

Sad and so wrong.

Unknown said...

im from honolulu, and when i heard the news [on twitter] i was sad. i honestly thought she was on our side. its almost the end of her term and i think she doesnt wanna deal with the issue and wants to pass it down to the next.

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