Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Picture Of The Day

Astoria, Queens - 7:15 pm

THIS is the sight I encountered after exiting the subway station in my neighborhood this evening. Miss Thang was FUSSIN' at her good natured man, but Señor Delicioso here didn't seem to mind one bit. Papi just kept on smiling.

Can you believe anyone would give that gorgeous man a HARD time muchos problemas?? Ungrateful beeyotch needs to go home and thank Jeebus for what she's got ...



JiEL said...

This reminds me of one reason ( among many others) why I came out to live my REAL GAY life....

SHE was a «control freak» and I couldn't do anything without HER aprobation....


Miss Ginger Grant said...

she screaming her head off....
but HoneyBadger don't care!!

Anonymous said...

Her reaction when he told her he was leaving her for you.

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