Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday Weigh-In: EPIC FAIL

How NOT to lose weight:

DON'T go into the kitchen of your restaurant and ask for a big-ass order of onion rings after you tell your blog readers you are going to try and do better. Even if beer-battered onion rings are the most delicious things in the universe.

DON'T repeat the above every single day since last Friday.

DO avoid the gym and any other forms of exercise at all cost.

DO make sure you drink lots of alcohol at night, and have lots of McDonald’s hangover breakfasts in the morning.

Okay, so I have come clean – even though I vowed last week to get back on track, it didn’t happen. Normally I would be suicidal right now, but I’m surprisingly not. I’m actually just hopeful I can do better next week - which may have something to do with our new President and/or THE HAT.

I am also changing my (previously) unspoken rule of not discussing my actual weight – just how much I’ve lost/gained. I tell my Dust Bunnies almost everything – why should this be any different?

I am 5’ 10” tall, and today I weight 264 lbs. And trust me, NONE of that is muscle. It is flab. According to Weight Watchers, my ideal weight should be less than 174 lbs. I am at least 90 lbs. overweight.

On my December 19th Weigh-In, I weighed 252 lbs – making my total weight loss 25 lbs. So if you do the math, that means I weighed 277 lbs. when I joined Weight Watchers on October 17th. As of today, I have gained back half the weight I lost.

I hope to start doing the right thing today. Good or bad, I'll report back in a week.


kayce. said...

you will do better, david, i know it! let me tell you how much i sympathize w/ your job situation ~ working in ANY restaurant (but esp ones that are full of comfort and/or steakhouse foods) is a bitch when you are trying to lose weight! and it's not just the food: the schedule, the lack of regularly-timed meals, having to smell what you can't have... i know it's hard, and i just want you to know that i am sitting in atl broadcasting positivity and strength your way!


Anonymous said...

You can do it!! good luck and sending you positive vibes XOXO

Bob said...

It's hard not to eat the crappy foods when they are right in front of you, believe me, I know this.
It's hard, but you can do it.
I have faith.


Mistress Maddie said...

Mamie-I think it would be hard to lose weight in that resturant also. It's such a temptation since EVERYTHING is so damn good in their!

Tivo Mom said...

I love junk food! I have never been one to say no to french fries and have a salad, never. The children had a half day yesterday and I took them to Cheeseburgers and More. Now how do you order a salad there? So I understand your struggle and I am right there with you. My total weight loss goal is less than yours but still so difficult to obtain. I love your honesty and it will happen!

Anonymous said...

Gah, I hear ya, DD! Only 5'4" and was at 225 last May- dropped to 205 by August- and terrified to step back on the scales.

It is National Pie Day today and being a celebratory kind of gal who loves to cook, I whipped up both a coconut cream and a chocolate cream pie. Fortunately my kids' bff with hollow feet will be over later and help get rid of 'em.

Any idea when "National Celery Day" is? "Annual Salad Blitz Celebration"? Fuck, I'd take "Crazy Cucumber Dayz" at a local country fair right now... ;)

Good luck, hon!

Mark in DE said...

You can do it, David Darling! Its hard, but you must put your mind to it. And don't forget my tip to help you in times of beer-battered onion rings: Picture yourself on the beach in a Speedo. I'm telling you, it works for me.

David Dust said...

Mark -

I am not a beach person, so that doesn't work for me - unfortunately.


Unknown said...

You recognize the problems and can work on those. I have faith you can accomplish anything you would like to!

the dogs' mother said...

I'm the last person to give advice.

I remember sitting around with my sister-in-law and four nieces and we were talking all about diets, exercise and weight loss. My SIL and I have stuggled with the battle but here the girls were listening to our every word. Made me start laughing.

On the other hand one of the girls became anorexia and bulimic so it this is very serious, very complicated and very scary.

Moral is - we struggle, we learn and we WILL PREVAIL!!! (and my niece made a full recovery).

Anonymous said...

I weighed last night and am in shock. And I know just where it's coming from and I know exactly what to do about it, and I'm not doing it. The baby Jeebus loves me, but I've lived twice as long as he did, walked nowhere nears as far as he did, and I didn't spend any amount of time in those hair raising interrogatons.
xoxo Charlie

The Office Artist said...

By coming clean, you are saying you want change and you are willing to own up to your faults and strengthen your regime. that's powerful stuff! You are out of denial and into reality! thats awesome!

The Office Artist said...

By coming clean, you are saying you want change and you are willing to own up to your faults and strengthen your regime. that's powerful stuff! You are out of denial and into reality! thats awesome!

Anonymous said...

You can do it David!

Diet is ALWAYS the hardest part of keeping healthy for me. I'd rather work out on my bike or at the gym for 8 hours a day than give up my ice cream, fried things, and take-out.

I'm 5'3" and 190 (although I have muscle in my legs). I was 230-250 in my college days. My 'ideal' weight tops at 135-140, and the only time I've come close was when I was in the Peace Corps and living off of potatoes, eggs, pancakes, and tea.

While picturing yourself in a Speedo might not do it for you, what keeps me in line are my bike shorts. I love biking, even though I can't fathom racing one. But my bike shorts are not only a good marker of how I'm doing, but you have to develop confidence about your body if you're going to walk around in bike shorts and a jersey IN PUBLIC.

Also, I invoke a gay man's dating adage when I'm tired of watching what I eat: look like what you want to bring home! If I want to be with someone who looks like the papis you love, I need to get fit!

Take care, and just re-focus on why you want to get healthy.
Love your post, and your honesty!

Joy said...

You are a brave soul! Wow! Confession and telling what you weigh! I can confess my transgressions but not admit my weight yet.

The bathing suit thing doesn't work for me, either. Having someone see me naked used to work but doesn't now because I don't think that's ever going to happen again. If it does, dimming the lights and distracting him should help.

What has to motivate me now is health. I'm proud of you for the disclosure! xoxoxoxoxox

Romance said...

Bunny you are my hero. I am so proud of you that you did not hate on yourself - that is huge, huge., huge.

Damn, this is the toughest of all struggles.

And just so you know I was over 225 and 5'6" - so I am your sister in the struggle.

According to WW I am currently overweight - and when I am down five pounds just barely normal weight.

Its a constant struggle. That said- I have gone from wearing, OK barely shoving my ass into, a 16W-18W to wearing a size 6 or 8 on a fat day and size 4 or 6 on a skinny day.

So the program does work. And its so not a straight line. It reminds me of the roughly 245 times I stopped smoking and then one day I really was an ex smoker.

Big smooch- sending you a recipe that is a great almost as good as a greasy meal hangover food with only 3 pts.


Anonymous said...

Dear David,
I just polished off some onion rings and a cheeseburger w/mustard (the Texas way!) so I won't be giving any diet advice. What I will say is that reading your blog is a bright spot in everyday for me. You need to get healthier for yourself and you will when you get fed up enough, but in the meantime could you do it for me? I need my David healthy and blogging daily!!!
selfish alnhouston

Angel said...

you can do this girlfriend...I KNOW you can. and honey, it takes some BIG BIG BALLS to put your number out there....I aint got balls that big.

But I have faith inyou baby girl.....I love you no matter what you weigh. Know that in your heart....and so do alot of other people. Get healthy, that's the main thing, cuz I/we want you and your snarkiness around for a very long time, my friend.

much love to you!

Wonder Man said...

It happens, but stick with it and stay strong. I'm sure some of us are going through the same thing

Jimbo said...

Okay, it wasn't pleasant but you learned a lesson. You're beating yourself up but use that as inspiration to get back on track. Look at the weeks you had such success and think about the effor it took to reach it. You did it, you CAN and WILL do it again. And this recent reality check will help you get back to doing what you need to do. Hang in there. Make it work!


Renee said...

big-ass order of onion rings

I loooooove onion rings. And I had a big-ass order of fries today at the Snowfest I went to.

I know you can do this because you have the right attitude. You're hoping to get back on track so you will. I haven't allowed myself to get discouraged when I've gained; I just decided that I would do better the next week. And it works.

Anonymous said...

David , we love you no matter what size you are - good luck with reaching your goal weight and we are all here to support you!!!

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