Saturday, January 31, 2009

Stop By Anytime

Any time you find yourself on Butt Hole Road (where I have a home), stop by and visit. And please use the BACK door...

BTW - the above idea was blatantly stolen from my Pittsburgh blogger buddy Dwight Supremacy. Dearest Dwight: Even though I grew up rooting for the Eagles, I have to go with the Pennsyltucky team in the Super Bowl. Go Steelers!

Photo above stolen from Mike In Bama. One of these days I'll post something original - I promise.


Unknown said...

don't mind if I do...

Bob said...

Seriously, I think Id move.

Mistress Maddie said...

Why does that road sound famaliar to me girl! Like we have been there or something?

Anonymous said...

There's just no defense for that place is there? funny post.

theminx said...

Boooo! Go Cards!

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