Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jefferson Market/Courthouse/Prison/Library

The Jefferson Market branch of the New York Public Library is one of the most unique buildings in Greenwich Village - and indeed one of the most beautiful in all of New York City.

The site started as a market - with court proceedings taking place in rooms above the market shed in the mid 1800's. In 1883, the building you see above was completed - and served as a courthouse until 1945. It remained vacant until the 1970's, when it was saved from the wrecking ball by e.e. cummings and a group of Village activists. The city turned the building into a library branch, which it still functions as today.

The building next door that served as the New York Women's House of Detention was demolished in 1973-74 to make room for the Jefferson Market Garden - which community gardeners continue to keep beautiful.

On my way home on Monday, I took these pictures (from the opposite side than the pic above). It had been snowing lightly for a couple of hours, and the sun was starting to set...


Adirondackcountrygal said...

What a beautiful old building. I see you appreciate it like I do!

Bob said...

Beautiful pictures.
Makes me want to be there!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I wanna go see it next time I'm in New York! Miss Ginger LOVES old buildings!

Anonymous said...

Another thing to add on my Must-See list for NYC!

Renee said...

That building is cool. Thanks for the great pix.

Wonder Man said...

oh the village

Angel said...

beautiful pictures Tranny. You can take me on a tour when I come visit!

Anonymous said...

So neat David. I remember my broke days and loving that old building- yet totally ignorant of what it was. I remember the women's detention building. Horrible place.Ominous.It's not too far to the Stonewall is it?
x0x0 Charlie

David Dust said...

Charlie -

Yes indeed - only about a block down Christopher Street.


Joy said...

I like these pictures you're taking around your neighborhood. I'm adding more and more to my list of things to do and places to see while there!

Love you! Love your camera!

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