Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Manhattan Diner Is Alabama-Bound

The Cheyenne Diner stood at the corner of 33rd Street and 9th Avenue here in Manhattan for the past 68 years, but soon it will be headed to Birmingham Alabama. The beloved diner closed last year to make room for - everybody sing! - a friggin' condominium building.

Originally the Cheyenne was to be relocated across the East River to Red Hook, Brooklyn. But when the buyer found out the diner wouldn't fit on the Manhattan Bridge (and sending it via barge was too expensive) - he gave up on the plan. Apparently it's cheaper to ship the 2,000-square-foot structure to Alabama than it is to ship it within New York City. Go figure.

The railroad-style, Art Deco diner was one of those jewels you just don't appreciate until it's gone. I am hoping that Dust Bunny Mike In Bama will visit the Cheyenne when it reopens in his home state. And please eat something fattening there in my honor.


Bob said...

Just what New York City needs, more condos!

And they couldn't find a way to save that diner and make it part of the condo project?

As Joni Mitchell sang: Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got til it's gone. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.

mikeinbama said...

I'm so excited about this news. I can't wait to see where the Diner is going to be located. I'm sure it will be a big hit down here. I will do a review once the place is up and running.

Renee said...

That's sad. I hate when so-called "progress" messes with history. :-(

Anonymous said...

I rememeber dat! Yah..... startin to wonder NYC turning into nothing but residential for high middle class to rich?
Oh yah...residential and courts- moneyed people make their money suing each other and the money just keeps swapping around.
"No'll have to pick up the check have my money now." I'll treat next week when win it back in the countersuit."
xoxo Charlie

David Dust said...

And dear, darling, gym-going, physically fit Mike:

You are NOT allowed to eat something healthy when you go! I want you to be hungover and craving grease and sugar :)


Anonymous said...

I will most definately have to check that out when it gets here :)
and I have no problem getting something trashytackynastyandgreasy.

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