Monday, January 26, 2009

White Meat Monday - The Great Taco Caper

Zachary Moir ended up in a Florida jail last week after angrily throwing a taco at his mother's face. Mom told the 19-year-old to turn off his X-Box and come to dinner - and when Zach refused she decided to unplug the game system. At that point the fight was on and poppin' - Zach went downstairs, grabbed a taco, and smacked Mama upside the head with it. Moms then called the PoPo, and the little douchenozzle took a little trip downtown. While locked up, I'm sure the teenager was forced to share his tasty chicken taco with many, many inmates. Sorry - I just had to.

I say Zach should be put away for life for wasting a perfectly good, delicious taco. But then again I also believe in the Death Penalty for not finishing an Arby's meal.

Read the story HERE.


Anonymous said...

Oh no, he did not. I would have had that kid down on the floor, force-feeding him tacos and crushed up X-box games. What a jerk.

Unknown said...

Uhm, he is 19, right? Sounds like both mother and child need to cut the umbilical cord already.

Joy said...

Good point, Howard. If he's living at home, he needs to be respectful and responsible. He got what he deserved.

Anonymous said...

Oh do I love this. We see so much of this nowadays. I've got one parent noww who doesn't believe me when I tell her " he has no intention of going to college and no intention of getting a job and he's gonna freeload on you as long as he can." In this case, he's a rather nice kid too- although not to her.
A lot of these parents are in mid life crisis too, and don't feel ready for the empty nest syndrome. They feel they have done their duty, but i feel it was more duty than love. when the kid got rational, sort of, the parent got dependent. didn't want to lose their "buddy". they used to be SO close! What went wrong?

Renee said...

ROFL Jennie!

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