Tuesday, January 20, 2009

See Ya ... Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya!


Bob said...

Don't let door hit you where the Good Lord split you.

Unknown said...

Wow, would it be too mean to just stand on the steps of the White House and yell 'Get out!' until he leaves? If not, I would have started 8 years ago.

Anonymous said...

good riddance! if he has to come back to texas, glad that Dallas got him and not Houston...we already have too many Bushes here.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah. about the hat...loved it!

Angel said...

BOB!!! That's the first thing that came to my mind!!! you took the words right outta my mouth!!

AGB said...


Anonymous said...

Now THIS is funny

and 'Retha's hat was right out of the roarin 20s

Robguy said...

I love how the "ranch" was just a prop for their political theatre. It was finished the same time Bush became President and they're moving someplace else now that he's done.

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