Sunday, January 25, 2009

You Are NOT Going To Believe This...

I said yesterday that I would be picking/announcing the winner of the historic Obama editions of the New York Times today. So I found a random number generator online, determined the number of comments (18) - and requested a number between 1 and 18.

The number that came up was #2. When I looked to see who made the second comment, I LOL'd.

It is my beloved TrannyBeth!!

Now before you claim that the contest was fixed, I would like to assure you that I did this by-the-book. I almost selected ANOTHER number, thinking that no one would believe I "randomly" selected my bestest blogger girlfriend as the winner. But that wouldn't be fair to her.

So, darling Beth, I will be mailing you the newspapers. Please keep them safe for your kids, and your grandkids. Who knows, they might even be worth something someday.


P.S. - If anyone has something of value they would like to plug here on DavidDust, and would be interested in participating in a giveaway - please email me at I would really like to do more giveaways in the future, but I need to get my hands on some good crap first.


Angel said...


Damn, I never win anything, so I am THRILLED!!!!!! I think I just peed my pants a little bit....hey, it happens after 5 kids. what are ya gonna do? ;)

the dogs' mother said...

You need to get a hold of THE HAT!!!

kayce. said...


Renee said...

Congrats Beth! :-)

Mistress Maddie said...

Maybe next year we can raffle some sandtarts?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe for a moment you rigged it just to save postage because you knew Beth would come round on her broom to collect.
Awww...just kidding Beth..can't resist a good line. Seems like you are the one always GIVING AWAY things. Wasn't it your blog that had that bed full of products you sent out?
Bless you bless you...
Hmmmm...I wonder to whom you could give a slightly used LA teacher who still has a pulse and looks picturesque in a recliner? almost like you had real family?
xoxo charlie

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