Sunday, January 25, 2009

You've Been Patti LuPWNed!

Patti Lupone recently went off on a picture-taking audience member during a performance of Gypsy. Luckily, another member of the audience was making a bootleg audio recording of the performance, and caught everything on tape. Don't mess with a DIVA.


Angel said...

Oh you DO NOT mess with her!@!!! This cracked me up!!!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

OMG I had no idea she was such an irritable Diva! Miss Ginger LOVES having her picture taken! She o-preciates it!

Marker said...

Girlfriend needs to get over herself!!

What a freak.

"Don't you just love theatah people?" - Sandra Bernhard

Marker said...

OMG the more I think about it, that was so fucking obnoxious of her! I'm so glad someone recorded it! Ha!

I think if I'd been in the audience I would've yelled back at her - "Shut up and sing!" Way to interrupt the entire performance because you don't want a fan - who paid way to much for the pleasure of seeing you - taking your damn picture. Almost makes me want to go there with a camera just to piss her off.

(She has tainted my memories of "Evita". Betch.)

lol at Miss Ginger o-preciating!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Patti. Wish more stars would do what you did when rude, inconsiderate members of the audience set off their flash cameras during a performance. The song Patti was singing is the final song in the show and what the whole show is about. Why does some egomaniac feel their "right" to take an illegal picture overrides the rights of 1800 other people who paid a f***ing lot of money to see the show. These would be probably be the same idiots who won't turn off their cell phones and take calls during movies.

One reason theaters forbid photos is that it can be very dangerous for cast members. But why would the the photographer, and Marker care about that as long as they get what they want.

Renee said...

O-preciate ROFL!

I want Patti to go to the movies with me so she can take out the freaks that leave their cell phones on.

Mistress Maddie said...

I do like Patti Lupone but I think she can be a wee bit strange.

Anonymous said...

Just Priceless In spite of my fame, I don't know if I would do that, but i applaud her. and really, who doesn't know the story enough to "get back into it" when the show resumed and they can all say..." I was there..."

xoxo charlie

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