Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inauguration Headcount & FREE HISTORIC STUFF!

The Washington, D.C. police say that 1.8 million people attended (or attempted to attend) the Inauguration of President Obama. Other estimates vary, but whatever the number actually was, it was a HUGE crowd.

The picture above is from Popular Science (click to enlarge). The brown things that look like swarms of bees are actually thousands of people. Pretty cool.

OK, now for the free historic stuff. I am giving away two historic copies of the New York Times to one random commenter on this post. The two newspapers are the election edition and the inauguration edition - and are great keepsakes of our historic new President. Please note that the newspapers are NOT in pristine condition - I DID read them, after all - but they would be something worth saving.

Please comment on this post (only ONCE!) - and I will pick a random winner sometime over the weekend. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN THE COMMENT - so I can reach you if you win.


kayce. said...

OMG PICK ME!!! i didn't get one for either the election OR onaug b/c they were sold out!!! PWEEEEAAASSE. *crosses fingers for luck in drawing*

Angel said...

Pick me!!! Pick me!!!! I love you the most!!!! ;)

Kailyn said...

Me. Pick me.

Mistress Maddie said...

Mamie I told you , you were one of the sweetest people we knew. That is awfully nice of you!

Benj said...

ooh ooh, me me me. all of the major papers were sold out for the election and inauguration in Albany... damned politicians... hehehe

Joy said...

Even though I don't want you to feel guilty, I do want you to randomly pick me. Since I never win the lottery, I'd love to win this!


Renee said...

That photo is cool. David Dust always has the best photos.

Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful sensibility to give away such historic souvenirs. What a wonderful moment in history... and how exciting it will be to see the man and the vision succeed. Thanks for your blog.

shirlnutkin said...

i'm in ... and if chosen randomly, i'll bestow such a nifty historic gift to my fellow west coast dust bunny (sacto floyd). meanwhile, i'm at: sfrivera(at)gmail(dot)com.

Anonymous said...

I would so love it if you chose me. Over the past 40+ years I have collected magazines and newspapers that I thougt had some historical significance -- beginning with Kennedy's assassination and including the the moon landing, MLK and RFK assassinations, a Rolling Stone with John Lennon's last photo, every Charles and Di cover story I could find, etc. I even found a New Orleans newspaper printed on the day I was born (January 1948). I lost them all in Hurricane Katrina and it would be wonderful to restart a collection with Obama's inauguration. Thanks!

Timmy said...

I *heart* David Dust! :-)

Cullick Perry said...

hey ..i visit your site everyday. I love the postings...
my addy is

if u pick me it would me awesome:)

ArsenicLime said...

I won't beg to pick me but please do so :) Belgium loves David dust :)
Random comments ftw!
Random fact: newspapers used to be not made of paper but out of wood when they were invented.

JenM said...

Not only are the papers historically significant, they were touched but the GREAT David Dust! So it would be like receiving two gifts in one.

Lelio said...

Throwing my hat in! ♥


Chris (Topher) said...

They were sold out everywhere I went! I would love one!


Anonymous said...

I love to collect all things historical. I would feel honored to have one of your newspapers in my collection. I also have The Press Semitar (Memphis, TN) from April 5th, 1968 the day after Martin Luther King was assasinated, and the Press Semitar from 1963 When President Kennedy was assasinated. I was lucky enough to get these from my grandmother before she passed. My e-mail is Thanks for your consideration.

Unknown said...

OMG exciting, my mom would loooooove this.

Anonymous said...

What would the Baby Jeebus do?

No No...I don't want one...Just lovin' ya.

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