Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In Honor Of Top Chef - Hunks In The Kitchen

Don't forget - Top Chef is on tonight! Check out previews from MinxEats HERE, and look for my recap tomorrow afternoon.

I just hope all the guys above washed their hands before they ate...


Wonder Man said...

that's a dirty kitchen

Anonymous said...

i like to clean the last guys kitchen!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be lookin in the refrigerator. They would change the menu for us, ehh David? "Oh I guess I can get back to my blog in a minute or two....just one lil ole snack."
xoxo charlie

Jimmy said...

I'll take a #5 with special sauce!

David Dust said...

I'm going to have to agree with Dust Bunny Alnhouston - the last guy is the one for me.

mikeinbama said...

I'll take the last guy...THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

Check out #4! If nobody minds I'll take him...

Unknown said...

for years i've admired and wondered who the last guy is...

Marker said...

I'm hungry . . .

Anonymous said...

I certainly wouln'd mind cooking in those kitchens!!!

Mark in DE said...

Mmmm, good enough to eat!

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