Monday, January 26, 2009

White Meat Monday: Your Cheating Heart Edition

Top Chef's Hosea Responds - from

Jan 23, 2009 2:28 PM

First things first: None of us signed any contracts forbidding contact with the other cheftestants. We did not break any rules.

Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to offer my apologies to anyone who was offended or upset by my actions. It is impossible to explain what life is like under these circumstances to anyone who has not experienced it. It may have been the pressure, the stress, or just the surreal-ness of living in a bubble for six weeks, but sometimes you don't act like yourself.

I am an honest, caring, and good person. My dearest friends and family know me for who I am. The public knows me as someone who cheats on his girlfriend. I'll have to live with that. I just hope that anyone out there who is easy to point the finger looks deeply inside themselves and can honestly say they haven't ever wronged someone. Or done something that they're ashamed of. Cast the first stone.

Do I regret it? You bet. Did it throw off my game? Of course. Have I thought about it every day since? Yes. What can I do? Nothing.

When I returned home, I told my girlfriend - one of the sweetest women on earth - what happened. She was willing to forgive me. Our relationship was never the same. We are no longer together. So I have to live with my mistakes and try and grow as a person from it. I am still very happy that I participated in Top Chef. It was an amazing experience that taught me a lot. I hope that it is my food and not my actions that are remembered once the show is over. I came to New York to cook. I made some great dishes and made some wonderful friends. At the end of the day, it is still all about the food.

Notice how Hosea isn't still claiming that all he and Leah did was "flirt" or "kiss"? I think he should come completely clean and admit to having hot monkey butt sex with his "buddy" Leah.

Thanks to the anonymous Dust Bunny who alerted me to this.


the dogs' mother said...

I still don't get it. Hosea still doesn't get it. I expect Leah still doesn't get it. They knew they were miked. They knew cameras were in the apartment. THEY KNEW. So, yes they made a stupid, hurtful mistake but they did it with full knowledge that they were going to expose their loved ones to tremendous hurt. THEY KNEW.
And Bravo knew too. Bravo made the decision to air that footage. Bravo has no honor in this situation either.

Bob said...

To quote my dear friend Bill: "Me thinks he doth protest too much."

Angel said...

hey, at least he was more truthful than Leah...he sorta tells the truth. He says he DID cheat onhis girlfriend...which we all knew anyway. and Idon't think bad of him for cheating...hey, he's human. and he DID sorta admit to it...more than Leah did. at least that's what Brava wants us to think!!!

Anonymous said...

Bravo Tv is the real skank..

mikeinbama said...

Did he cross the line....Not So Much, Did Bravo show him in a negative light, Probably, but the thing is, Hosea gave them the fuel they were looking for on the show.

All in all, if reality TV has taught us anything, it's you can't keep people down with no shame.

kayce. said...

AGREED david! if he's gonna "confess" he needs to tell all the dirt, LOL.

and anyway, why would he apologize to anyone other than his g/f? who else was "hurt" by the hookup? hosea, darling, grow a pair. it was good tv and anyone complaining clearly doesn't understand the appeal of reality tv...

Anonymous said...

This guy is a moron. If he thinks that response absolves him of anything, or makes him appear at all sympathetic, he's deluded. When you decide to cheat, you run the risk of being exposed. You don't get to whine and make excuses. Ugh.

Unknown said...

ROFLMAO. Everyone knows he's a great guy, except maybe the ex... And maybe Leah's [probable] ex.

Sadly, I don't think that is the worse thing The Hose did this season. He does, though.

Tivo Mom said...

I just will never understand how reality contestants think that who they are on camera and who they are off are two different people. If you cheat on camera do we not think you would have off?

Joy said...

Anyone who agrees to go on reality tv should know what to expect. It's a jungle out there, Jane!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Joy.. its the price you pay for 'fame'...

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I've already forgotten. Did HOSE a ya cook some food once on the show?

Anonymous said...

Dontcha just hate it when humans are human?
I guess I am most unhappy with the producers taking advantage of the situation. Leah was already on way too long for her level of skill.

And we have to admit, America was entertained and righteously indignant about the moral crisis.
xoxo Charlie

Margo said...

I'm not going to remember him as the guy who cheated on his girlfriend (with someone who needs a trim badly!) - I'm going to remember him as the whiny titty baby who thinks he's the shiznit. I hope he's not in the finals because he just hasn't impressed me.

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