Sunday, January 18, 2009

My 2000th Post!!

I cannot believe that this is Post #2000. It seems like only yesterday that I started DavidDust right before my 40th birthday. I am now 41, and have hit the "Publish Post" button 2000 times to share "hotties, recaps, and gay stuff" with all of you.

Thanks to all of my Dust Bunnies - old and new - for making this blogging thing fun every single day. In 1 1/2 years, I somehow have 100 Followers, visitors from around the globe, and have made a bunch of new friends. I've even had the pleasure of meeting some of you in person. That reminds me, come back tomorrow for an account of another Dust Bunny drinking session - this time with Dust Bunny Marker from Chicago!

And, after jumping into blogging on a whim, I am now ranked about 85,000 in popularity among over 15 million active blogs - according to Technorati. I know 85,000 doesn't sound that impressive - but I'm proud of it, so let me bask in the glory a little bit.

As always, keep commenting, keep emailing me - and KEEP IN TOUCH. The best part of this whole thing is getting feedback from all of you.

OK, time to start on my NEXT 2000 posts...



Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You have a great blog. Hope to see at least 2000 more great posts!

Romance said...

Shut up! You are forty one- you look so damn young!!! What every is your secret.... I adore you and your blog and have great and vast envy that you get to kick it my girl K - love and kisses and congrats

Romance said...

Hope my comments made it - if not love to you

kayce. said...

*throwing confetti*


*raises champagne flute*

here's to two thousand more! :))

the dogs' mother said...

I found my way here via Top Chef or Project Runway recaps... can't remember which! Carry on to the next 2000!

theminx said...

Holy crap, that's a lot of posts! I barely have 800 posts on my food and fashion blogs combined. Here's to several more years of prolificness (is that a word?)!


Anonymous said...

Congrats!! :) Like frogponder, I too found my way to your blog to read a (hilarious) recap of Project Runway and I've been hooked ever since! Cheers & to another 2000+! Hooray!

Bob said...

And here I was thinking I was all that because I had 100+ posts.
2,000? Sheesh!

Congrats David. As I told you, yours was the one of the first blogs I'd ever read, and the first I ever commented on, and then got the bug myself.

So, thanks for the inspiration, the laughs, the rants and recaps, and the hotties.

Here's to another 2000!


Angel said...


The MAIN reason I blog, Tranny, is cuz of you. You make my day. I feel we are SO connected, it's freaky. I love you madly and would so have friend sex with you!!! ;) I know, I know...I aint got the right equipment...yada yada! ;)

Love you Tranny, and all your 100 followers love you lets see if you can make if 200 followers!!!


Miss Ginger Grant said...

I found your blog through str8upwithatwist, and I'm glad I did! Congrats on your 2000th post, and keep them coming! I can't believe all those people gathered in Times Square to celebrate your 2000th post! Isn't one of them JerHell from last season of PR?

David Dust said...

Miss Ginger -

LOL - I am SO GLAD that SOMEONE noticed that JerHell is happy about my 2000th post. Thank you for being an observant Dust Bunny!!!

And thanks to everyone for your nice words.

Finally, dearest TrannyBeth: right back at ya!


Mistress Maddie said...

CONGRATS GIRL! I acn't beleieve it's been that many already! It does go quick! Keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to 2000 more and more and more!!! Love your blog!!! xoxo

Jimbo said...

YAY! Congratulations! Here's to another 2000 + !


Adirondackcountrygal said...

Looks like I'm the 100th follower!

MCWolfe said...

Many congratulations on your 2000th post! Many of us newbies look to bloggers like you and just plain wish. Like a few others, I came here looking for Top Chef and found so much more (yes, even a chubby, middle-aged straight woman can appeciate the Daddy of the Day...) I'll be here for 2000 more, I hope.

p.s. Thanks for your sweet response to my comment earlier. And yes, I'll admit it, I love Stefan - perfect combination of mad cooking skills, European superiority, and a shaved head. Add in the fact that he actually seems to have a sense of humor and I'm seeing Top Chef.

p.s.s. - where can I buy one of those "I Heart David Dust" shirts?

H2B said...


mikeinbama said...

Congratulations on 2000 post. May you have 2000 more post!

Timmy said...

How cool that there were fireworks and glasses all to celebrate the 2000th post. You really ARE something specail David Dust!

Wonder Man said...


Tivo Mom said...


Renee said...

Congratulations David! I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Your popularity doesn't surprise me in the least. You are hilarious! You also have impeccable taste in Papis. Not that I look.

Congratulations on turning 2000, darling David. Keep making me laugh!

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