Friday, January 23, 2009

Wanna Buy a Racist Cookie?

Would you like to buy a "Drunken Negro Face" cookie?!? Well, you CAN - right here in one of the (supposedly) most liberal and enlightened places on the planet. Our local Fox 5 TV station did a "Shame, Shame, Shame!" segment last night regarding the Lafayette French Pastry shop - which is an institution in Greenwich Village, one of the (supposedly) most liberal and enlightened neighborhoods in the city.

Ted Kefalinos, the owner of the bakery, reported told customers he made the cookies in honor of President Obama's inauguration. And he allegedly didn't always use the word "negro", if you smell what I'm stepping in. Kefalinos reportedly also told customers that Obama "will get what's coming to him - like Lincoln". These customers alerted Fox 5 News.

Even when confronted by the famed Fox 5 "Shame Shame Shame" reporter - Arnold Diaz - Kefalinos didn't dial back his rhetoric much. The owner claimed there was nothing racist or objectionable about "Drunken Negro Face" cookies, which is how he referred to them on-camera. He also stated that no one complained when he made "Dead Geese" cookies after the recent US Airways crash.

Keep it classy, Asshat. Read a short piece regarding this story on Arnold Diaz's blog HERE.


Adirondackcountrygal said...

Racism is alive and well in the south! What a shame about that. Obama is no where near a "drunken negro".

Anonymous said...

what a douchebag. I guess when his sales take a dive...he will have got what was coming to him!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

That's horrible! He'd never get awy with that in Texas- He'd have a riot on his hands!

Kwana said...

Get the eff outta here! I'd love to see the follow up of the protesters. Grrr. The sad thing is I'm not surprised by his ignorance. You know there are all kinds even in the NYC.

the dogs' mother said...

good-grief! that's discouraging :-(

Renee said...

Unreal. What a jerk.
That cookie looks like something a 3 year old would make, not a bakery. Ted should make some Asshat cookies and put his face on them.

kayce. said...

the election of our new pres (still tingly!) made me hopeful of the marginalization of asshats like this, but alas... all my dreams are dead. i hope someone goes and breaks his windows out. :))

Anonymous said...

That so pathetic. Doesn't he realize how ignorant he sounds? I guess not. Hopefully the negative publicity will drive him out of business.

Wonder Man said...

What? That's a pure mess...I'm coming to NYC.

kayce. said...

just saw the "shame shame shame" piece on another website and instantly realized why david d. likes this particular segment... a hint: "arnold diaz reports". ;)

Mark in DE said...

One can only hope that Karma comes back to kick such asshats... HARD!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is better not to give those people publicity at all. It's a tough choice. I wonder if he was boycotted or sold out 5 minutes after the broadcast?

xoxo Charlie

Anonymous said...

My guess is that he will get an initial rush of crazies coming to support him and then the neighborhood people he has depended on for steady business for years will abandon him and his forgotten/avoided bakery will be out of business. At least that is what I hope for.
I'm never going back there.

Anonymous said...

Damnation... been sharing this story and thank you for the post, David.

Joy said...

This makes me sick. I hope he goes out of business and is as bankrupt financially as he is emotionally and morally right now.

Meeg said...

Ok, wait. So forget everthing else that is wrong with this guy and his cookie, he said Obama will get what's coming to him "like Lincoln". So, he thinks Lincoln deserved that bullet to the head to?

SailorAlphaCentauri said...

Wow. I'm surprised he didn't just call it an Obama-Sambo cookie and call it a day. No, wait. I'm not surprised, because that would require that a) he would know what a Sambo is and b) that he would care to be clever or c) he's just too stupid to know that there was already a name for his racist caricature cookie.

The kicker was the whole He'll get his like Lincoln comment; somebody needs to move down South and back in time about 144 years.

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