Thursday, January 1, 2009

I Am In Cartoon Heaven...

The Cartoon Network is having a Looney Tunes marathon today - and I am in heaven. When I was a kid, "Bugs Bunny" (which is what we called ALL Looney Tunes cartoons) was my favorite thing to watch on television. In fact, I watched it so much that I can still remember bits of dialogue.

They just showed one of my favorites - the one where Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny, and Daffy Duck fight over whether it's "Duck Season" or "Wabbit Season" (picture above). SHOOT HIM NOW! SHOOT HIM NOW!! Good times...

The only Looney Tunes cartoons I hated as a child were the ones with Pepé Le Pew. I guess I just couldn't identify with his constant lusting after females. Although I LOVED Speedy Gonzales - even as a child I liked the Papis!

Gotta run, the Robin Hood episode just started. "Don't you worry, never fear, Robin Hood will soon be here...".


Mom2fur said...

There are two I like a lot. In one of them, a mad scientist tells Bugs: "Be a good little bunny and give me your brain!"
In another, they sing the whole cartoon to an opera. You know:
"Kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit!" I think the tune was Flight of the Valkyries?
Oh, and a third one! Yosemite Sam wants to marry a rich widow, but her son Wentworth is part of the deal--and Wentworth was a two-year-old in the body of a giant. There's this commercial on TV for some company named J.G. Wentworth and I can't hear that name without thinking of the widow telling Sam: "oh, look, Wentworth wants to play horsie!"
Yeah, good times for sure.
Have a Happy New Year!

Joie Mayfield said...

Oh wow. I didn't realize that! Thanks for the heads-up!

Kailyn said...

You could so hang with my dad and his brothers. They often have deep philosophical discussions on which Looney Tunes character is the coolest. (My dad is partial to Bugs.) His youngest brother was all about Foghorn. His next older brother is all about Wile E. Coyote. His oldest (living) brother says it's all about Daffy. This is a guaranteed conversation when they are together. Along with the virtues of George Carlin and the first two Godfather movies.

SailorAlphaCentauri said...

My husband recorded as many as he could today. I'm so happy that they were on! Yay! The only one I've gotten to see today was the Barber of Seville one, but I'd probably watch them all if I could stay awake. Stupid Benedryl.

Renee said...

I love Looney Tunes! We used to rush home from school to watch them. My favorite ones are with Bugs Bunny and the mad scientist.

Mistress Maddie said...

I love the cartoons too,but you know girl our group was the orgingal looney toons!

Joy said...

I remember that one about wabbit season! I liked Pepe as well as Bugs and the gang. Also Yogi and Boo Boo and Rocky and Bullwinkle and Savoir Faire (not Looney Tunes, I know).

This sounds like a bunch of fun for you!

kayce. said...

OH MY LORD ~ that robin hood ep is my absolute fave!!! when daffy duck keeps trying to swing on the rope and is hitting the trees over and over again... a classic!

Angel said...

i LOVE Bugs Bunny!!!!! See?...we are meant to be together, you and me!!!

My favorite was always when Bugs dressed up like the lady bunny, with the tight skirt and the red lips. I liked the Trannies even as a kid!!


Anonymous said...

I remember that episode so well.Very clever exchange of dialogue matching Who's on First? with Costello...loved it even as a kid.
By high school Hanna Barberra cheapened the industry in my mind taking all those shortcuts with the artwork.
I still go back to Tom and Jerry/Heckle and Jeckle/ etc.I like the old ones.

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