Friday, January 2, 2009

Snuggling With Oscar

I spent all day yesterday curled up on the couch under blankets with my kitty Oscar. We watched cartoons, football, and Bringing up Baby (one of my favorite movies) and kept each other warm. I don't have to be back at work until Monday - I wonder if we will get off the couch before then...


Joy said...

That sounds like a great place to be! Enjoy being couch bunnies!

Bob said...

That sounds a little like my day today, although I was snuggling with three feline children and a cnine one.

Mistress Maddie said...

That sounds like the place to be this weekend.It's suppose to be cold as hell! Take care girl!

Joy said...

I wish it had been mine. I'm queasy and can't keep ginger ale down even! Yuck! That will get me started on a diet.

Romance said...

OMG that sounds like a perfect day to me. I mainly get to snuggle the kitties and dog late, late, late at night when all are sound asleep.

My idea of heaven would be the couch, a stack of DVDs and my pets....

Anonymous said...

ohhh Oscar is too cute :)) enjoy the snugglemania :)

Anonymous said...

Dear David...what did I miss? I didn't know there was a new baby in the house.Well bless you both.
Lots of cozy here, and snuggly, but just with my "banky" and a good pile of dvds.

Angel said...

don't get off the couch! Stay under the blankets with Oscar....sounds perfect!!!!


David Dust said...

Charlie -

Oscar is hardly new - he is my 10-year-old "baby".


Wonder Man said...

That's cute

Mom2fur said...

Oscar reminds me of my own kitty, Nutmeg. Animals have the right idea about relaxation. We should all follow their example!

Renee said...

How relaxing. My cat loves to curl up under blankets when it's cold.

shirlnutkin said...

too cute!

Mark in DE said...

Whoever said the dog is man's best friend hadn't met Oscar. Glad you enjoyed a cozy day.

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