Monday, July 5, 2010

Working On The Holiday

Yes, I'm at work today - trying to make up for all the time I missed while in the hospital/recuperating.  This is necessary because there are no such thing as "sick days" in the restaurant biz - so I either work extra to make up for what I missed, or I don't get paid.

If anyone would like to join me in the little Pity Party I'm throwing right now, feel free to stop by.  But don't forget to bring booze.


the dogs' mother said...

GB stored all the names of the drinks he drank on his cell phone during the bar crawl his friends took him on... there are some new drink names since I was in college. So I'm bringing you a 'Red Slut'. It has cranberry juice so I know it's good for you.

Anonymous said...

Bummer. Do I need to come out and talk to your boss?

I'll be attending the pity party and I'm bringing leftover margarita snowcones from yesterday!

Anonymous said...

I am in the food biz and you are exactly right. You work like a hooker on the corner or don't get a new lacefront wig.

I got you back, David.

David Dust said...

Reggie -

LOL! No new lacefronts OR thigh-high boots!!!! What's up with that?!?


Wonder Man said...

That sucks, I'll join the party.

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