Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Today's The Day

Today at 10:15 am I'm heading over to the Sears Portrait Studio to get some family photos taken of me and of my liver. Let's hope they don't find Franky G's baby sipping on a cocktail while they're poking around down there. AWKWARD.



behrmark said...

Hope all goes well my friend.

Anonymous said...

Good luck darlin! Let's hope its just some common HIV med adjustment your body is undergoing and that you will be back to normal (whatever that is) soon!
Remember - just in case that bilirubin builds up - yellow is the new black!


the dogs' mother said...

Had a sonogram. Was the moment I found out there were two babies. Exact words "Here's a heart beating. Here's a second heart beating." Called The Engineer. Are you sitting down?


mrs.missalaineus said...

thinking of you.


Miss Ginger Grant said...

Maybe you are having twins like froggy- and the daddies are Franky G AND Matthew Rush! I will quit my job AND leave my stage career to come and be your wet nurse.... just to ensure the daddies always have something cool to sip on, of course!

Joy said...

Good luck!

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