Monday, January 5, 2009

I Don't Like Mondays...

There is something especially sucky about the Monday after the New Year. The holidays are now officially over and it's time to get back to the real world. Yuck...


kayce. said...

*nods head in agreement*

2009's post-holiday monday is particularly ass-y b/c of the fog/drizzle/chill, lol... would be nice to stay in bed all day w/ the kittehs!


Miss Ginger Grant said...

I guess the only thing meaner than telling you that I am on vacation would be to say that I'm having Arby's for lunch- with my favorite Papi!

David Dust said...

Miss G -

That's just evil...


Anonymous said...

I understand that Monday's after the holidays suck but when you have had the children home for two weeks and they go back to school...well not quite as sucky.

Mark in DE said...

I always dread the Mon after a holiday weekend. The only thing that makes Mondays tolerable are your White Meat Monday posts!

Anonymous said...

I hate Mondays, but love Terrence and Phillip. Thanks for the giggle.

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