Monday, January 26, 2009

White Meat Monday - Family Gathering FAIL


Bob said...

Oh dear.
That is unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

Oh Thank Gawd for you, David- the antidote to that damned adorable little white bunny on FUP.

Was going into insulin shock from the incredibloe cuteness- WHEW!

I owe you, my friend. That was CLOSE. ;)

Wonder Man said...

Oh my

Anonymous said...

What the hell is that????

Miss Ginger Grant said...

White Meat Monday? Looks more like White Trash Monday to me! Infuggincredible!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the grandma portrayed in Prayers for Bobby. " if you ask me all the queers oughta be lined up and shot!"

Anonymous said...

Who lives like this?!

Angel said...




I think those people are my neighbors...

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