Monday, October 5, 2009

BREAKING: I Am Now A Lady Gaga Fan!

Yes Minions, I have gone over to the Dark Side. After her appearance on Saturday Night Live, I have officially become a fan of Lady Caca Gaga.

First of all, Miss Gaga sang that catchy "Paparazzi" song during her first SNL performance. I'm still humming it today - I can't get it out of my head!! And I appreciated the fact that Gaga stayed away from fake blood and general histrionics and focused on her vocals.

During her second performance, Lady Gaga could have lost me forever with her ridiculous gyroscope outfit. But it looked like even SHE was over it after one of the rings smacked her in the head, and after it took her FOREVER to sit down at the piano. I actually felt her pain...

Another thing that won me over was the skit with Madonna. I know many people don't like the "Deep House Dish" skits, but they always crack me up. Bokay?!? And I was impressed that Gaga at least memorized her lines and didn't screw up - unlike her Madgesty...

Seriously, what IS a "disco stick"?!? Call me old-fashioned, but if Gaga is good enough for Madonna, Gaga is good enough for me.

But the moment when Lady Gaga made me a forever fan was during the very last skit of the night. Lady Gaga and Andy Samberg BOTH had on the same ridiculous bubble outfit and tried to make out, but couldn't...

Watch the video here...

You know, I always thought that Gaga took herself and her outfits SERIOUSLY - but that skit showed she doesn't mind poking fun at herself. I admire that in a gal.

Finally, the icing on the cake was when I found out that Gaga plans on marching in the National Equality March later this month. According to Towleroad, she made the following statement at a NYC fundraiser...
"I really believe in this cause, and as a woman in pop music I think that this is really an important weekend, and it's not a f*cking joke. So get your asses to D.C. and wear something fabulous, and I'll see you guys there."

So, there you have it folks, I was WRONG about Lady Gaga ... she is kinda fierce. Now if I could just get that damn Paparazzi song outta my head...


Bob said...

You were wro...?
You were wron...??
You were wron...?
YOU were....WRONG?



Miss Ginger Grant said...

Methinks she lipsynched on SNL...

but I've always thought she was kinda hootie!

Daddy Squeeze Me! said...


Big Mark 243 said...

Missed the show ... but if she has convinced you of her sincerity, that is good enough for me.

But I don't think she can sing. I will have to go back to sleep and hope I wake up without 'Paparazzi' in my head, trying to convince it is a catch tune.

Cliff O'Neill said...

Seriously, your reaction was all I could think about yesterday. Kept making me smile every time I started humming the acoustic "Poker Face" that I couldn't get out of my head.


Tom A. said...

when I saw, 2 weeks ago, her performing on youtube as a "normal" person, I realized the whole Lady Gaga thing is just a big funny put on to get her mega publicity and to cash in, since her talent as a "normal" performer with a normal name wasn't getting her anywhere.

Have you seen that on youtube?

Unknown said...

Yeah, in the final skit with Andy, she had good comic timing.
And the second performance, when she showed her piano talent, that really won me over.

Angel said...

THAT SONG!!!!! I LOVES it!!!! I can never get it outta my head either!

and who knew she was funny?.....

Jesse said...

Lady GaGa is AWESOME!! Talented and loves the gays! Here's the link to the vid where she says she will be marching in DC.

Wonder Man said...

Great David! I am glad you are on board!

kayce. said...

i NEVER thought i'd see the day...! *dead*

also, i didn't catch SNL on saturday, but caught the performances and madonna skit on gawker... this, however, is the first time i'm seeing the bubble outfit skit and let me say: i agree w/ you that it's the cherry on top!!! so hilarious.

and no, she didn't lipsynch on SNL; she actually goes out of her way to sing live everywhere from what i can tell, tho i assume she must 'sync SOMETIMES.

Tom A. said...

her "normal" self.

mrs.missalaineus said...

she's just not my cup of tea but i dig music that has been described as sounding like angry seagulls for what it's worth.


Ken Riches said...

SNL is the first time I have seen her, and her voice is okay, but not exceptional. To me, her other antics really take away from her performance. So if this was low keyed, I am glad I have not experienced any of her other work. I would cross the street to avoid her.

Having said that, glad you have turned your opinion around, that is a good thing to be able to do :o)

Sam said...

I told you so,
I got chills reading your post.

Beth said...

Yeah...still does nothing for me. I did think that her voice was pretty decent, so why not drop the gimmickry like the gyroscope outfit? I'm all for fabulous outfits and performance as art, but when it gets in the way of your ability to perform, it's gone too far. Just not my cuppa, but then a lot of the stuff I like isn't for everyone, either! XOXO Beth

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