Monday, December 28, 2009

White Meat Monday - The Meat Locker



Anonymous said...

looking good

Eric Arvin said...

#4 has the thighs for my eyes ;-)

Anonymous said...

All are very very good!! Wow.

Dwight Supremacy said...

No. 1 took my breath away. Swoon!

Mark in DE said...

Dammit! I just can't pick one; I have to have them all. :-)

Unknown said...

i saw the last one (dean flynn) in the street once... nice smile.

eric, are you a leg man, like me???

david, i was at posh tonight. do you ever go there?

Unknown said...

you know, #1 has that hot douchie look that gets me in trouble...

David Dust said...

Todd -

Even though I live just a blog away from Posh, I very rarely go there. Actually, I don't go out much at all anymore.


Todd said...

david, sorry to hear that, i hope it's by choice.

i don't go out to bars much either... i was just there with a female friend.

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