Was it something I said?!? In the last 16 hours I have received exactly one ... count 'em ... ONE comment from my lovely Dust Bunnies. Has everyone given up on blogs and moved permanently to BookFace?? Cat got your tongue? Do I smell??? All of the above???...
This, coupled with the Twitter glitch today which left everyone with "zero" followers has made me feel somewhat unloved :)
Yeah ... I'm needy that way...
UPDATE: There ARE some Dust Bunnies out there!!!!! Thanks for your comments, my lovelies...
UPDATE: There ARE some Dust Bunnies out there!!!!! Thanks for your comments, my lovelies...
Yeah, I am out here. Still busy, but loving you lots, nonetheless. Mwah, trannycakes.
It's Monday. Don't know about everyone else, but my day is sucking (and not the good kind). Which has left me not much in the commenting mood. :(
You are loved! Are you getting my comments sweetie?
Dave, Wicked Gay Blog
I'm being retrained to think on my own at the new job. Sorry I've not left you a love note lately.
David, you are doing a great job.
P.S. DO NOT MOVE TO FARGO. This is the whitest city in the world. Absolutely ZERO hot men of color here. I've looked everywhere too.
i have been sporadically getting "503 errors" when i hit the "comment" button... also, you've been pretty quiet, so i was waiting for a longer, possibly controversial blog post to comment on.
but, that's all irrelevant, b/c you are LOVED!!! TO PIECES!!! i can't wait to hear the to-come good apartment news. <333
Hi David-
Have you been watching KO reading Thurber? Anyway, just not a whole lot to say and no I am not Booking Face. Hope the apt. is a go & sometimes a break in weigh ins results in very happy surprises.
Send you, Oscar and Dusty
i'm here!
what was the mass twitter fail all about?
Figured you might be too jittery with all the craziness going on in the big apple for crazed fans. Keep up the good work young man.
I find that as the weather gets better, the comments and blog entries go down proportionately.
Love ya, miss ya, fingers crossed for an apartment.
WE are here! California representing!! WE LOVE YA!!!
I'm with Bucko-I've found myself busier and busier the nicer it has gotten outside...bike rides, attempts at yardwork and gardening, and walking the dog..I always read your posts like everyone elses, but often can't think of anything to add that someone else hasn't already said...don't stop though, it would ruin my daily pick my up!
You are definitely loved! XOXO
I commented! I even followed up yours with an email. I'm just having a major anxiety attack, feeling like nothing I say is witty or smart enough to be on your blog.
Like how I spun that?
Sorry... but I promise not to jerk off for a month (at least)... and getting in here, well... it makes it very difficult you know?
Usually I am not high enough to leave a comment... and as much love as you generate I am sure you have twice as much love coming back at you..!
Here cutie pie!
One comment? Welcome to MY world.
Still here, still love you! Yes, busy with Crackbook, but also now read blogs every couple of weeks or so. I take a chunk of time and go through a bunch of them in a couple of days. XOXO Beth
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