Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Salute to the Military

As Memorial Day weekend approached, I would like to extend an extremely stiff salute to all the men and women of the Armed Services.  Ok - my salute is a little stiffer for the MENZ, but we honor and celebrate the brave women who serve our country as well.  Thank you for all you do.


behrmark said...

Soldier #1. Definitely soldier #1. [low growl]

kayce. said...

good GOD, soldier #1 is HOTTTT! he also gets my vote for the awkward Thumbs Up Guy behind him... DADT, indeed. :D

Unknown said...

So, in this we are unanimous - husband #1!

Unknown said...

very nice. except pic @ 3 who 's not a real soldier (maybe a porn star?).

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