Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy Hump Day and Apartment Update

I feel like maybe I've gotten "over-the-hump" with my apartment situation.  I spoke to the guy who is moving out of the place in Queens (he's a close friend of my current roommate, but I'm also friendly with him) and finally made arrangements to see the space (tomorrow).  I told him I DEFINITELY want to move into the apartment (I don't care what it looks like), and asked him to inform his roommate not to rent the space out to anyone else.  He assured me that the place was mine if I wanted it.

I'm not doing any celebrating quite yet.  Anything could happen, and I have yet to meet my new roommate, but as of right this moment I feel a little better about what's going on.

Keep your fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed and sending good thoughts your way. I'm glad you're feeling better about the lving situation. That's such a terrible anxiety to carry around.

Bob said...

Fingers are crossed DD that you get the place.
And that the roommate is a hot papi.


the dogs' mother said...

Oh, that's good news. Will keep fingers crossed.

Wonder Man said...

I'm sending positive vibes for this apartment.

Big Mark 243 said...

That is good news!! Hope things work out for you. A friend of a friend is a good enough aquaintence to live with...

Peter Maria said...

Crossing fingers, toes, and eyes for you; best of luck!

Joy said...

Good luck on this new adventure! (Let's just look at it that way and maybe it will help you feel better. Hope so!)

Tivo Mom said...

Good luck tomorrow friend. I hope that everything goes well.

Sozo's said...

oh this is good news, YAY!!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Oh, you're movin' on up....!!

Weesie Jefferson ain't got nuthin' on you, gurl!

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