Saturday, July 3, 2010

Andy Cooper and his Hot Piece

Anderson Cooper and (alleged) boyfriend Benjamin Maisani were recently photographed leaving the gym together in NYC - much to the dismay of Michael K at DLISTED.

By the looks of those guns on Andy and Benji, these trips to the gym seem to be paying off.


Big Mark 243 said...

Now that is a good looking couple are they not? The contrast in their skin tone and hair is striking. I wonder if Ben is taller or if it is Andy?

Jus' wonderin'...

Sozo's said...

THANK YOU! I love me some Anderson!

nitrox11 said...

Scorchio. The both of them. HAWT.

Anonymous said...

Very hot couple!

Joy said...

Handsome buff couple!

Dan said...

less chest work, more leg work. Nothing i hate more than tits on sticks.

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