Saturday, September 17, 2011

What Is Your Superhero Name?

Mine is "Blue Tweezers"  - which cracked me the hell up. What's yours??



Tivo Mom said...

Black Pillow....

the dogs' mother said...

Red Paintbrush!!

Ken Riches said...

Blue Beer :o)

nitrox11 said...

White Wardrobe. What could my special powers be - helping people out of the closet?

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Sage Glass... really sounds more like a porn star to me!

Anonymous said...

Green Phone

Lee said...

Blue Laptop Plug. I dunno. It just doesn't have that pizzazz to match my spandex leotard.

Sam said...

Furry chest butt cheeks?? Did I do this right?

Anonymous said...

Red Cat Tree. oh dear.

Mistress Maddie said...

White Remote

behrmark said...

I think we need to see a picture of Sam's superhero.

Mr.Mischief said...


Unknown said...

Orange Freebox

Uncy Carl said...

Heather Bic.

Hmmm ... another one that sounds awfully porn-y.

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