Friday, December 11, 2009

Former Daddy of the Day Accused of Steriod Crimes

George Koufalis, a bodybuilder from Allentown, PA - and a former Daddy of the Day - was charged last month (along with nine other PA residents) with buying, repackaging and distributing at least $132,000 worth of performance-enhancing drugs.

According to the Lehigh Valley News, Koufalis allegedly injected $8,000 to $20,000 worth of steroids per year to stay in top shape for bodybuilding competitions. When that became too expensive, authorities claim he started selling to others.

That's a real shame - George and I had a very brief correspondence after I posted his pictures (unlike others, he appeared to be quite happy about being featured on DavidDust) - and he seemed like a sweetheart.

UPDATE (1/28/11): Check out the comments for brief statement from Mr. Koufalis himself. Encouraging news!



Miss Ginger Grant said...

What a shame...
although I think most who use drugs eventually end up dealing... it's a downward spiral!

I'm glad vodka is cheap!

Wonder Man said...

poor guy

behrmark said...

It is a shame because natural body building results in a physique that is far more attractive. Besides...all that acne? Yech.

Anonymous said...

That is in the past. He has been clean for over a year now, so let us just hope he stays that way.

timF said...

@behrmark, find me a life time natural bodybuilder on these pages. almost all models in the magazines use something to get big or stay lean.

Mark in DE said...

Too bad - he's a good looking guy with a nice body.

mrlehighvalley said...

thanks everyone! I have been off steroids for 2.5 years now. The bust changed my life for the better. I am finishing college, working with special needs kids and doing so may things for others. I am still active in the gym and still in good shape. I am actually thinking of doing my first drug free show this year or next. I made a mistake and I paid for it and I still pay for it. Many people talk bad about me but the people on here really made me feel aolot better. Thank you so much, Gk

mrlehighvalley said...

thanks everyone! I have been off steroids for 2.5 years now. The bust changed my life for the better. I am finishing college, working with special needs kids and doing so may things for others. I am still active in the gym and still in good shape. I am actually thinking of doing my first drug free show this year or next. I made a mistake and I paid for it and I still pay for it. Many people talk bad about me but the people on here really made me feel aolot better. Thank you so much, Gk

David Dust said...

GK -

I am so happy to hear this! Keep up the great work.


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