Saturday, May 1, 2010

General Motors Is Lying

Have you seen those General Motors ads featuring the CEO bragging about how the company paid back their bailout loan "five years early and with interest"?...


Well, apparently that's a big lie. General Motors used DIFFERENT bailout money to pay back the initial loan. Even worse, according to Joe.My.God, the Federal government is expecting to lose at least $30 billion on the GM bailout.  Which is CERTAINLY not worth bragging about.


mrs.missalaineus said...

yeah, they pretty much maxed out the visa to pay off the amex....

glad to see you up and running again :D

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Miss A- LOL!!

Oye... the country is in the crapper for sure....

Joy said...

Good one, Mrs. Miss A!!

Thanks for posting this, DD!

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