Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Republicans Are Not On Your Side

I don't normally like to copy and paste entire blog posts from other blogs - but this Daily Kos post by Laurence Lewis is only 3 paragraphs long and should be read by EVERYONE. Furthermore, Democrats need to be shouting "Republicans are not on your side!" from the highest hilltops, until it becomes accepted fact. Because it IS a fact...

The message is simple and easy, because it happens to be true. On issue after issue, the Republicans prove that they don't care about people, they only care about their corporate owners. Last week, they blocked an extension of unemployment benefits. This week, they killed it. They also ensured a pay cut to doctors who accept Medicare patients, ensuring that fewer doctors will, and that those on Medicare will have more trouble finding medical care. But while they've been busy hurting people, they've also been busy helping corporations
With the BP oil gusher destroying the Gulf of Mexico, Republicans are having to pretend not to bedefending BP. Meanwhile, they're criticizing President Obama for trying to protect people from BP. It's always the same. They protected the banks from financial regulation. They protected the health insurance industry from real health care reform. They killed cramdown, which would have protected homeowners from losing their homes. The list goes on and on. Issue after issue. Year after year.
When have the Republicans supported legislation that helps people at the expense of corporate special interests? When have they proposed such legislation, on their own? Don't hurt yourself trying to find examples. They're rhetorical questions.

Please go to the post HERE, where Laurence Lewis has all the links to back up his main points.  Important stuff.

6 comments: said...

Thanks for posting, so very true!

MJ said...

I just cannot fathom what their problem is. They are in jobs that pay well, have great medical ins., perks, and can retire to some cushy job as a lobbyist or go on some corp. board or live out their lives giving speeches at very nice compensation, plus receiving their congressional pensions. But to give, what used to be the "middle class" a break is completely beyond them. They act like over privileged children, make that brats, and I am one pissed off progressive.

Unknown said...

what gets me is, i understand the rich voting for the republitards, because they protect their interests, but why are the poor and middle class -- specially white ones, like the tea party -- vote for them? that's why i have so little faith in the future of this country. people are just so easily fooled. the reps won't give benefits to the unemployed yet they are happy to vote for more tax cuts for the rich. yech.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea why anyone would vote for a Republican anymore. This makes the Tea Party movement all the more baffling to me.

mrs.missalaineus said...

the tea baggers vote for them because they think being a 'republican' and associating with the GOP gives them more class.

my husband is among the 9 million people who lost the ability to extend their unemployment through the federal program. we are scraping by, scrimping and pinching and thankful we have not lost everything like so many others.


Mark in DE said...

Quite poignant, and true!! Wake up, all you Log Cabin Republicans.

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