Here is Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham (and a bodyguard) during a recent trip to Whole Foods. See the post at A Socialite's Life here. I almost wonder if this is another Bravo tie-in with Posh - this time for Top Chef. Whole Foods IS one of their sponsors...
That's so funny - I was going to wear the EXACT SAME THING to the East Harlem Pathmark tomorrow! Small world...
That dam Posh even looks good buying the groceries for that hunky man of hers!The rest of young Hollywood should take note of her,instead of leaving their houses looking like they rolled right out of bed.Even yours truly takes 30mins to refreshen and do a wardrobe change before stepping outside my door.
Maddie - That's because your dear Mother raised you to be a PROPER LADY! Now if she would just teach you her Sand Tart recipe...
She eats?
Joy - she was picking up bottled water, white wine, and biodegradable trashbags... no actual FOOD.
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