Sunday, August 22, 2010

DavidDust Turns 3 !!

It was exactly three years ago today when I started this blog - just days before my 40th birthday (see my first awe-inspiring post HERE).  At the time I had NO idea what I was going to write about, or had any expectation that anyone would ever read DavidDust.  I certainly didn't expect to encounter such a fabulous and loving group of people - my DustBunnies are the bestest ...



Stephen said...

Happy Anniversary!
Thank you for 3 years of great posts & hot guys. You do it so well.

the dogs' mother said...

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo!!! And many of us have met a lot of nice people via your blog. All hail our Bunny!

Ken Riches said...

Happy Blogiversary :o)

kayce. said...

happy blogiversary, david! i'm so glad i "met" you ~ you make the internets brighter!

JB said...

Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary!
I love your work. It has inspired me to start my own that is going on just 3 months. LOL
Keep up the great work!

Wishing you good luck, good health & good sex!


TonyJoe said...

Happy birthday, David. May you have many, many more :)

Eric Arvin said...

Happy third!!

gman7157 said...

Happy Anniversary my friend -- YOU have brought to us friendships, laughs & some incredibly hot, handsome men!

Here's to many, many more years of posting!


Anonymous said...

Happy Blog-versary-day! Always enjoy your posts. Esp cat pix!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary! We must celebrate it!

Wonder Man said...

I am glad to see this blog still standing amongst the many. Continue on, boo.

H2B said...

Congrats! Keep up the great work.

Tivo Mom said...

Thank you for coming into my life! You always brighten my day. Here is to many more.

MJ said...

Cheers & celebrate 3 years of luv and laughs.

mikeinbama said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!!!!!!!!! You're the greatest, David!!!!

Unknown said...


Sam said...

Happy 3rd. Ho.
Love Sis

AGB said...

Congratulations on three fabulous years!!!!

theminx said...

Three! You're a big boy now!

K said...

Congrats on 3 awesome years!

Mark in DE said...

Happy blogiversary, David Darling!! I'm so happy we're friends. LYLAS :-)

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