Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Guy I've Been Sleeping With...

Oh get your minds out of the gutter - it's Oscar!!  I don't know what happened, but lately Mr. Thang climbs up the ladder about every other night and sleeps in my loft bed with me.  Which is great ... until his morning Happy Dance (on my head) because he knows breakfast is imminent.

As you can see, Oscar isn't going to die of starvation anytime soon ... much like his Daddy.  But he INSISTS on reminding me every morning about his breakfast.

Happy Caturday!


the dogs' mother said...

Give Oscar a skritch behind the ears.

Ken Riches said...

Cute. Happy Caturday back at you :o)

Beth said...

What a cuddlebug! XOXO

theminx said... cute. He's quite agile, isn't he?


Miss Ginger Grant said...

Jackson climbs on my pillow and makes a cat hat of himself when he wants to wake me for breakfast. Shelby just wines!

gman7157 said...

Awwwww...he is a major cutie! I have the same wake-up call every morning with kisses from my tuxedo kitty, Holly.

Anonymous said...

So sweet!

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