Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Using Both Hands

Now this is my kind of man! Back in the day we called this "two-fisted drinking" - not that I ever did it MYSELF mind you.  But, let's face it, you have two hands - might as well use them both to hold cocktails.  Especially when you are extremely thirsty and the drinks are tiny.

Really, one should think of this as "overachieving" or "multi-tasking" while at the bar.  As Martha would say ... "It's a good thing!".


Wonder Man said...

what else can he do with his hands

Mistress Maddie said...

I saw two-handed and wondered what this post would be about.....

David Dust said...

His name is Mark Alvisi.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

His arms are so big those drinks look they are in thimbles! I am TOTALLY wet right now!

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