Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Daily Bunny

Thanks to Mechadude for opening my eyes to the perfect website for the first day of The Year of the Rabbit - The Daily Bunny. The Daily Bunny is pretty much is exactly what it sounds like - a daily post featuring cute Bunnies! And, really, who couldn't use more adorable bunnies in their lives?!?

Unfortunately The Daily Bunny doesn't feature THIS type of cute bunny:

Hmmmmmmmm ... "The Daily DustBunny" does have a nice ring to it....

Anywhore, if you haven't figured it out by now yes I WILL be putting bunny ears on EVERYTHING over the next 12 months. You're welcome.



the dogs' mother said...

It *is* the Year of the Rabbit!
>:-} <-- as close as I can get to a bunny.

Wonder Man said...

hot papi

behrmark said...

Since I was born in the Year of the Rabbit I am celebrating tonight. Actually I'm having Italian with my sister. No no no Italian FOOD. Geez people get your minds out of the gutter!


Miss Ginger Grant said...

Put some bunny ears on a Miss Ginger pic!!

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