Saturday, August 14, 2010

Obama Strongly Backs Downtown Islamic Center

President Obama - in remarks during a White House Ramadan celebration - voiced his support yesterday for the proposed Islamic community center in downtown Manhattan.  From the New York Times:
“I understand the emotions that this issue engenders. Ground zero is, indeed, hallowed ground,” the president said in remarks prepared for the annual White House iftar, the sunset meal breaking the day’s fast.
But, he continued: “This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable. The principle that people of all faiths are welcome in this country, and will not be treated differently by their government, is essential to who we are.
Agreed.  Freedom of Religion is one of the main reasons this nation was founded.  But, of course, wingnuts like Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, and Rupert Murdoch (and his underlings at the New York Post) disagree:

It never ceases to amaze me how conservatives preach their love of the Constitution, and yet they are so willing to ignore the parts they disagree with.  They think the First Amendment should only apply to conservative Christians - and no one else.

One last note:  Most people in New York City do not oppose this project.  We pride ourselves in the fact that we live in a multi-cultural city - with people of all religions living together.  There are mosques all over the city, and they are treated no differently than churches or synagogues.  And that's the way it should be.  

Furthermore, we don't appreciate non-New Yorkers telling us what we should or should not do. After all, we don't tell people in Wingnutistan where they can build their NASCAR racetracks and their Cracker Barrel restaurants...


Anonymous said...

It's no different then how they read the bible.

Bob said...

I love how Palin and Gingrich and their ick, I mean, ilk, preach Freedom Of Religion and yet they mean only their religion.

Beth said...

I agree 100%, David, and just posted a story on Facebook about a group of 40 clergy issuing a statement in support of the community center and against people like Gingrich, Palin, and against FoxNews. (Yes, they mentioned them all specifically!)

I feel the same way you do--Newt and his ilk love to talk about how we need to abide by the Constitution, but then they would go against one of the major principles in it: the freedom of and from religion.

Wonderful post! XOXO

Sam said...

Easy Turbo, I'm a huge Cracker Barrel fan.
But Sis, I think it's crazy that the right is so worked up over this. Timothy McVeigh didn't keep OKC from building anymore Church's now did they? No I didn't think so.

Mr. Jackson said...

David, I absolutely agree with your assessment of this situation. I live in Tennessee and there is also fuss over a mosque being built in Murfreesboro, TN (you may be familiar with this). Religious freedom is a fundamental right and the very reason the United States exists at all. We should respect diversity and we should respect all belief---the freedom to believe and the freedom to disbelieve.

Mr. Jackson said...

David, I absolutely agree with your assessment of this situation. The United States Constitution is one of the most remarkable documents on earth. It is a literal guide to our democratic values and beliefs. Religious freedom is a fundamental right and arguably the very reason why America exists at all. I am so glad that President Obama stood-up for this principle. Muslims have every right in the United States to build places of worship, just as all religions have a right to have places of worship. As long as the Islamic Center is not breaking any laws (and every indication is that they are following local laws) then allow them to build this center in peace. I live in Tennessee and there is also fuss about an Islamic Center being built in Murfreesboro, TN. It is really frustrating that so many Americans are willing to overlook the Constitution in lieu of their own personal prejudices and hate. It is Islamophobia---pure and simple. I'm agnostic and consider myself a humanist. But, I support all American's right to believe in whatever they want and worship that belief however they want.

Ken Riches said...

He is a great leader, if folks would only really listen.

Unknown said...

our douchebag mayor bloomberg is in support of this mosque, and that's one good thing that he's ever done in his administration (too bad he wasn't supportive of that poor arab school principal, debbie almontaser, who was the victim of a witchhunt by the crazy right wingnuts).

what amazes me is that these republitards can't tell the difference between the various sects of islam. if this was a radical, conservative wahabist mosque from saudi arabia, i might not be so happy about it (the equivalent of those fanatical right wing christian or ultra conservative orthodox jewish sects), but this is apparently a SUFI congregation -- the most tolerant brand of islam, for chrissakes. the mosque opponents are such retards.

Joy said...

Amen and Right On!

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