Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Look Who Just Left My Restaurant...

Yep! Rupert Grint (AKA Ronald Weasley) with four other people just had lunch at my restaurant. I didn't know he was here until the waiter told me - and then it made sense why the BIG guy in his party kept watching me every time I passed the table. He was obviously a bodyguard (or at the very least, a protective family member), and he must have thought this big Queen was hongray for some Ginger.

BTW - Rupert is TOTALLY adorable in person.



theminx said...

Wow! Is there a Harry Potter premiere in town soon?


David Dust said...

@Minx -

Yep, the NYC premiere was held on Monday.


Dene said...

That's harry-larious-!

Rupert is very cute, IMP-!

the island guy said...

Amazing! Did you get his autograph? That is just so cool :)

Tivo Mom said...

so jealous...

behrmark said...

OMG! OMG! OMG! I have the same shirt as Ron except mine is red. And four sizes bigger. And my crown isn't as big.

designing wally said...

These kids all seem very well adjusted & kind...
You can tell they didn't film it in the USA!

P.S. I need a job, you hiring?

nitrox11 said...

All Brits are adorable in person :-)

Mistress Maddie said...

He probably heard all the hub bub about the quesdillias!!!!

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