Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Could Have Used This Yesterday...

The Broadsword Handle Umbrella.  Yesterday was one of the coldest, rainiest and nastiest days I can remember - and my poor little umbrella just wasn't up to the task.

To complicate matters - I actually walked home from work in all of that mess.  Yes, I made sure I got my exercise - even though I ended up soaked and now probably have pneumonia.


Big Mark 243 said...

Two thumbs up to getting that walk in!! All the weather reports said y'all were getting drenched, so it was no small thing to make that walk.

You go boy!

Lee said...

Pneumonia is a great way to lose weight. Been there, done that. Can't say I'd recommend it though, lol.

Good job sticking to your walk!

behrmark said...

Walking in the rain can be romantical!

Joy said...

I got off of my eating plan and have been feeling like crap. I thought about you, got inspired, and am back on the right path.

Be well! xoxoxoxoxox

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